TT: Places I have Run (S-Z)

Alphabet Challenge


Originally Donna from Running to Travel the World posted this challenge.  I completed it twice:

But I changed it up the past two Tuesdays and chose those PLACES where I’ve raced or run (A-I and J-R). This is a continuation of those posts:

  • S – Sarasota, FL, Sanguinet, France and Saratoga Spring, NY

I love to visit Sarasota when I go to Naples, FL each May. However, I have also run two half marathons there in the winter.

Herald-Tribune staff photo by Dan Wagner - Yup, I am in the photo!!!

one of the highlights is running over the Ringling Bros. bridge

When I visited Paris several years, I also went to Sanguinet (small town on the west coast north of Burgundy). My travel companion had friends who lived there. Of course, I ran there every morning.

there was a lake nearby

I love to run in the Saratoga State Park and I’ve raced in this city many times too. It is famous for horse racing.

  • T – Troy, NY

Not too far from where I live and one of the largest Thanksgiving races is held here each year.


running over the Collar City bridge

  • U –  Utica, NY

This city is famous for its summer 15k (The Boilermaker) and beer.  I was there my first summer of running for its 5k.

  • V – Vestal, NY and Vero Beach, FL.

I would have said Vermont but I already mentioned a race there.  Vestal is a small town is just north of Binghamton, NY and has a nice rail trail there.  I ran on it several times when I was there travelling for work.

Vero Beach is another place on the east coast of Florida where I ran a half marathon.

  • W – Waverly, RI and West Palm Beach, FL

One of my close college friends built a house nearby in RI so she talked me into visiting to kayak and to race.

who doesn’t love a race with ocean views?

I have quite a few friends who winter in the West Palm part of Florida (east cost). As a result, I try to visit them each winter and usually run a race while I’m there.

races along the ocean are my favorites

  • X – Nope.
  • Y Z??? NadaI guess I need to travel more (as a runner).

I’ve been to Yellowstone and Zion National Parks but again it was BEFORE I became a runner.

Happy Running! Ever run in any of these places? Please share.







Since it’s Tuesday, I’m joining the link-up organized by Zenaida and Kim (Kooky Runner)

I’m also linking up here:

with co-hosts Coach Debbie RunsConfessions of a Mother RunnerMile by MileRuns with Pugs, and Laura Norris Running.

26 thoughts on “TT: Places I have Run (S-Z)

  1. You did a good job with this- I was impressed with all the cities you came up with. And i love the bridge photo from Sarasota. Yeah, XYZ are tough! I”ll be interested to see if anyone gets those.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Vestal, NY, looks really nice!

    “Z” would be an easy one for me, being in Zurich right now. But I think I’m going to make it my life mission to travel to all the X and Ys I can think of, just to fulfil this challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great job! I haven’t run in any of those places. X is really tough. Y and Z are hard as well. I don’t think I can come up with any place I’ve run that begins with those letters. I’ve been to Yellowstone and Zion but I didn’t run there.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Some of those letters are much more challenging than others. I have a list started (somewhere???) and am hoping to get my A-Z post done next week. It’s been fun seeing all these different places where everyone has run and raced.

    Liked by 1 person

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