FFF: Runfessions for June ’21

It’s that time again. Time to get things off my chest with Marcia’s Runfessions at Marcia’s Healthy Slice

1. I runfess…

Unless I have company, I’ve gotten pretty lazy about walking.

In the beginning of the pandemic, I walked 2-3 times a day.  Always alone.

hit the neighborhood or waterline everyday

Now I rarely never walk before work or during lunch.

Luckily I have friends to walk with at least twice a week after work.

former co-workers and now walking buds

Do you need friends to get you moving or do you get your steps in alone?

2. I runfess…

Due to my work schedule, I wind up running at the hottest time of the day – noon during my lunch break. As a result, my runs are short and sloooow.

lunch sweat fest

Does weather or schedule influence when and how long you run?

3.I runfess…

I am worried about how going back to office will affect my running (3 days a week starting July 6 and 5 days starting Sept 7).

I know, for years I worked and traveled and got in all my runs.

running while working in Buffalo

How did I do it? (I guess I got spoiled working from home and being flexible with running, dressing, eating, etc.)

Any tips for adjusting to going back to the office?

4. I runfess…

I have started participating on weekly group trail runs.

I love the trails but not for running.

I am clumsy and uncoordinated and I just don’t want to fall.

So why attend trails runs?

For purely social reasons. lol

Should I run at another time or do these trail run/walks count as runs?

5.I runfess…

I enjoyed my recent races more than I thought I would. I have not been training. I have not done any speed work. But I run better in a race. I guess you can say, my races are my speed work.

So I guess that I need to find some more races to sign up for before fall….

smiling even running in the pouring rain.

Are you racing? Have you found not racing has slowed down your pace?

Happy Running! Anything to runfess this month? Please share.







It’s Friday so I’m also linking up with bloggers, Me (My First 5K and More), Running With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida!

So Join in!

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40 thoughts on “FFF: Runfessions for June ’21

  1. I think it’s great you use races as speed work! I don’t think there are that many races around here yet. I don’t believe in clumsy and uncoordinated. You just need to work on your balance and agility. Totally trainable.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Maybe I am. My hardware ankle makes me nervous.

      But I know where to get exercises to work on agility and balance. Lol.

      Thanks for posting those videos.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve been in the office all year, so no adjustment tips! I’m grateful for this. I think being around people definitely helped me get through the pandemic. I am not as much of a social butterfly like you! You know I prefer my solo runs.

    I echo what Marcia said about clumsiness. I trip a lot on the trails, but I rarely fall. But I work on strength and agility with SJ all the time. It really helps.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You do not look clumsy at all. My weekly trail runs are helping with my confidence. Haven’t fallen yet.

      It’s hard to be at home alone all day everyday. So it helps to see others in the evening to run. When I was working and traveling I had to run solo. We all do what we need to do.


  3. Boo to office life! I runfess that I do not miss anything about office life, especially the part about having to start my workouts before 6. I’m starting a new job in 2 weeks at a startup and they’re trying to decide if they even want to have a physical office.

    Trail running TERRIFIES me. I enjoy reading about it but have no desire to do it.

    You race a lot so you probably are getting enough speed work just from racing;-)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I also miss NOTHING about being in the office.

      That would be awesome if your mew job would let you work at home.

      I will NEVER trail race. That scares me.

      I used to race a lot but now I seem to just run long with friends.


  4. I was also walking a lot more last year just to get outside. I enjoy it much more in the cooler temps. Kudos to you for running at the heat of the day-I don’t think I can do it. In the wintertime yes but w our humidity nope.

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    • Yup. The feeling of being cooped up hit me and there was nothing else to do…everything was closed and no one was seeing each other. Now that evening group runs are available, I’ll probably quit the lunch runs but I’d like to replace them with walking or biking.


  5. During the pandemic I did enjoy the freedom of sleeping in a little and still having time to run. But, since it gets so hot in the summer here I have to run pretty early anyway, so making the transition back to the “office” was not too hard.

    I’m a klutz too but I still love running on the trails. A little trail rash now and then isn’t to much of a price to pay for the softer surfaces and beauty.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am getting daring and running more on the trails at least with a group.

      We don’t have your heat but you don’t have our humidity. I just need to commit to getting out of bed to walk since in the summer I have my evening group runs.


  6. Trail running makes me nervous for the same reasons you mentioned.

    I didn’t realize that you were headed back to the office. I’m sure it will be a bit of an adjustment, but as you said, you used to find a way to get your runs done – you’ll do it again.

    I have to get up and out early for my runs otherwise they’re just not getting done in the heat of the day!


    • I know that it’s better in the summer to run early but I am sooo lazy in the am.

      I am working on delaying things a little since it is easier to do my job at home.


  7. I agree, trails can be scary if one’s not constantly paying attention to what’s underfoot. I’m a klutz, too, and have stumbled & tumbled a few times (once was in a race & I think I either bruised or cracked a couple of ribs).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yup and because you have to constantly pay attention, I have to go slowly. If not, then I’ll fail. I never want to break anything again.


  8. Years ago when I lived in NYC I ran a race almost every weekend and rarely did speed work- I think i set a PR in every distance that year, so yes! Races can count as speed work!
    As you said, you used to fit in runs so I’m sure you’ll do it again, although it might be a rough adjustment at first. If you have to do your runs early, at least you’ll beat the heat! You might end up liking it better.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I never knew you used to live in NYC. How long and why did you move to Fla?

      In nYC you can run a race every weekend. Before the Pandemic, in the spring and fall, you could here too.

      Yup I have no choice but fit in my runs but I got used to the flexibility.


  9. I almost always run/walk alone.

    I run whatever time life allows that day. I really wish I were a morning person and could get out early consistently. I do NOT like running in the heat of the day. It really slows me down and takes more out of me.

    Since you used to work in the office and run, I’m sure you will figure out how to do that again. It’ll be hard at first, but you can do it.

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  10. I understand what you mean about walking. This time last year I was constantly walking during my lunch breaks. I always found it to be a great way to break up my work day. Now I rarely do it just due to constantly having meetings during lunch. I wish i could get back to those walks though.

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  11. I’ve always used shorter races for speed work. I’m not as speedy these days but I do better with others around me. I could not run at noon in the heat. I’m not built for it! Early AMs for me! (Also a good time for return to work days – so you don’t skip it in the evening)

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  12. I’ve always been a big walker. That’s part of what I did before I ran. And I still walk in addition to running because I have a dog who loves to walk, too — although he really can’t take the heat anymore so juggling early running & getting him walked isn’t easy.

    No idea if I’ve slowed down as far as racing. In general my paces are fairly steady, I think. Maybe slower; maybe not. I always slow down when it’s hot.


    • That’s good if your paces are the same as when there were races.

      Between work and tennis, I didn’t walk or hike much before I started to run. Now I walk mostly because some of my good friends don’t run and I don’t play tennis anymore.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Last summer I walked at least once a day, now I rarely do. I think its because I’m busier this summer as we are back in the office and there is just more going on at work. (Also, for awhile I was avoiding the cicadas). I agree its easier to get in workouts while working from home and not dealing with a commute.

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  14. I think I would spontaneously combust if I tried to run at noon. There’s just no way. I always run first thing (or walk) just to try to stay out of the heat and sun.

    I don’t mind going out on my own. Sometimes, I just need to get things done.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I go on my own often but it’s nice to have options if you want company.

      Luckily our temps are not as hot as Fla but still. Tomorrow I will try to get up early.


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