Runfessions for July


It’s that time again. Time to get things off my chest with Marcia’s Runfessions at Marcia’s Healthy Slice

Time flies in a pandemic.  This is my 4th pandemic Runfession post.

1. I runfess…

I have a high tolerance for pain.  I’ve raced with a stress fracture and a broken foot.

this was my last painful run

No surprise that that I waited several weeks before I went back to the podiatrist for my neuroma.

Economic evaluation corticosteroid injections mortons neuroma

Next up maybe laser therapy…

Do you seek medical attention right away or procrastinate? Have you gotten laser therapy for pain?

2. I runfess…

Once I experienced foot pain back in November, I ditched my favorite Mizunos and bought:

  • Altras (and returned them)
  • Brooks (and returned them)
  • Hokas (and returned them)
  • Another style of Hokas (for walking)
  • Back to Mizuno Inspires (for short runs)

And now I am trying Topos!!

Did you try different shoes or stick with one brand?

3.I runfess…

I thought I would continue with some virtual races.  For good reasons. Support the racing organization, charity, add to my swag collection or just to motivate myself to run faster.

5k, 10k, 13.1 Virtual Challenge medal

Nope, I’m done!

At least paying money to run them. And who needs another glass or medal??

If they are free, maybe??

Are you still signing up for virtual races?

4. I runfess…

We’re pretty good in Upstate NY with Covd-19 though there are still new cases.  I am considering running a race, any race.

2020 Landis Arboretum 5K Forest Run

Aug 15…maybe? Maybe not?

Anyone else have run a real race or considering doing so?

5.I runfess…

I upped my goal in the NYS Challenge from 500k to 1000K because I would be done too early in the summer.

One NY Virtual Challenge - Race Across New York!

Then my foot started bothering me so I thought I should probably cut back on the walking, hiking running and maybe get my bike out.

can’t remember the last time on this???

Biking miles don’t count!!

And I am stubborn.  So back to walking, running and hiking until I am done with 1000k.

Would you bike even if it did not count?  Do you like biking?

It’s Friday so I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five linkup! Join in! Don’t forget to link back to your hostess and visit some other bloggers.

Happy Running! Anything to runfess this month? Please share.


26 thoughts on “Runfessions for July

  1. Ha, Darlene, I’m a big-time procrastinator!!! I have a high tolerance for pain as well and keep on hoping that the body will magically heal itself.
    I’ve never had laser therapy – sounds interesting. Keep us updated!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m pretty much over the virtual races at this point as well. My October half marathon gave the option of doing the race virtually or deferring our race entries to 2021 and without hesitation I picked the defer option, lol.

    I used to wear Mizunos but they made way too many changes to my sneaker so I switched to Brooks about 2 years ago and it’s been good so far (knock on wood).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have a high tolerance for pain and tend to ignore it for a while as well. Finally caved in this week and saw a DR for my hip pain. I love biking in the summer just feels less hot. You might surprise yourself. Yes I am done with virtuals for now too


  4. I’m on the fence with virtual races. I’ll do virtual for anything that I was previously registered for pre-COVID (and I runfess that I registered for many 2020 races back in December b/c a lot of them were on sale) but I’m not feeling it for new races. If it’s going to benefit a cause then maybe, but if it’s just to get a t shirt and medal, then no.


    • I registered for many races too and I did some of them virtually but now I feel like saving my money for t he real thing whenever that is.


  5. I’m a big procrastinator when it comes to seeking medical help too :(. Hope the new shoes work out! I’m not paying for virtual races given reduced income right now, and no real races going on around here. Our COVID numbers seem to be going up again.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I don’t want to pay money for virtual races either. Part of me wants to do more because they are a fun challenge and they keep me motivated, but its definitely not even close to the same as a real race. As long as I find ways to change things up and challenge myself then I probably won’t do too many more virtual races.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I enjoy my stationary bike. Never much liked the real thing. Sort of wished I did, but i don’t.

    Luckily I didn’t sign up for #allthevirtuals. Just a few that meant something to *me*.

    I think most people wait & try stuff before going to a dr. I know I have. Luckily my issues have usually resolved (with time).


    • Truthfully I enjoy running, hiking and walking more than biking. But I prefer the outdoors (esp with COVID-19) so that’s why I want to bike. I need to get a bike rack and some proper shorts. If I like it, I’ll get a new bike (since mine is pretty old).

      I’m not generally a patient person. I have gone to a doctor because I don’t want to wait or take time off from running. I guess that’s why we have insurance.


  8. I haven’t run any virtual races and don’t plan to. They’re just not my thing. I’m signed up for a race that was supposed to be in April but was postponed to November. I really hope it happens bur who knows. I like biking outside but don’t care for the stationary bike. I ride my bike about once/week, and yes, I would still ride even if the miles didn’t count.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I wish I had the time to walk, hike and bike. I have to pick. I’m not a fan of indoor activities. Glad the weather has cooperated this summer. Hope your nov race happens.


  9. I’m an accomplished procrastinator, and seem to get a lot more done with a quick-approaching deadline than several weeks advance notice. That’s both a talent and a flaw LOL I’m pretty much done with virtual races, though I still have a couple races on the calendar that I’ll run virtually if their status changes.My Race Across Iowa ends on August 10th, but I’m well past the “finish line.” Now, it’s just a matter of how many more “running” miles I can add to the count.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Busted! I just ^paid^ for the Scooby Doo virtual race, but how could I resist??? I do like biking, but it’s more of a hassle figuring out a route or driving to the bike path. I procrastinate dr’s appointments, but not if the pain keeps me from running.


    • Yes. You had to. Biking can be a hassle to find a route. I need to get a new car bike rack too. Yes if I couldn’t run I’d be at a doc sooner.


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