Friday Five: Favorite 5Ks

Every Friday, three DC area bloggers Mar at Mar On the Run, Cynthia at You Signed Up For What?! and Courtney from Eat Pray Run, DC to host the Friday Five linkup.  Anyone can join with their own Friday Five post (yes, it must be a Friday Five!!)  They encourage you to visit other blogs on the linkup, comment, share and engage!

My Friday Five topic is My Five Favorite 5Ks.

Lately, I’ve been thinking speed (even though I am always in the middle of training for a half marathon). So here are the 5Ks that I love and try to run each year. (Believe me, it is tough for me to pick just 5).

1. Bacon Hill Bonanza

Small race in the country to support a local church held in April.  Scenic course, great post race refreshments and pies as age group prizes. What more could you ask for?




2. Freihofer Run for Women

A big race held in the city of Albany at the end of May/beginning of June.  All women, attracts the elites, the newbies and everyone in between. Course goes through and city and the park. There is a fitness expo held the day. Your race swag includes a box of cookies and a loaf of bread.




3. Dash to the Finish

An even bigger race held in a bigger city – New York City.  It takes place the day before the NYC Marathon and you run from the UN, through Manhattan and end by crossing the marathon finish line.  The day before, you get to go to the marathon expo, too.



4. Last Run

This race in held in Albany again like the Freihofer’s but in the middle of December.  The race starts off with fireworks and then you run through the lights in the park.  And everyone is in such a very festive mood.


Tie: 5Sean’s Run Spring Run-Off and Silks and Satins


Unfortunately, this one often conflicts with another race but I love this community run.  There is so much crowd support and great post-race eats.

best cone ever!

This 5k is held along the Hudson River.  It’s a place where I run often and there’s a free pasta dinner the night before (yes, food is a recurring theme.)

pasta dinner before the race above


Saratoga is the place to be in the summer – for the horse races! This race starts and finishes near the flat track and you run around the neighborhoods of Saratoga.

I could go on and on about 5ks that I love but I’ll stop here.

Happy Running! Which is your favorite 5k?  And why?


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