FFF: Ultimate Coffee Date for March 2021

It’s that time of the month…

Starbucks Coffee City Mug Collection- Florida, 16 Oz Cup

time to join up with Coco & Deborah
for their ultimate coffee date.

I live in upstate NY so it’s HOT coffee in the morning before work and red wine in front of the fireplace at night.

Spring arrives later this month and the days are getting longer. And my quarantine has ended. 🙂

But I’m still trying to hold onto memories of my warm sunny days in Florida.

1. Over coffee/wine… 

I’d tell you that in addition to being relieved that I had gotten both of my COVID vaccines before I left for my Florida vacation, the CDC advised that you did not have to quarantine after 14 days post vaccine #2.  Many states have no quarantining requirements. Some states (like NY) have stricter ones. It’s all so confusing.

Image result for second covid vaccine

What are the travel requirements in the state where you live?

2.Over coffee/wine…

I’d tell you that contrary to popular belief, I felt safe from COVID while I was recently in Florida.  As a result, I am in the midst of planning our annual tennis trip to Naples (April 28-May 5.)  The snag will be that some of my friends are not over 65 so may not have gotten both of their vaccines yet.  It just may be a smaller group this year. In times, like this, it pays to be older.

looking forward to more shenanigans with these ladies

If you traveled during the pandemic, how did you feel?  Do you have any future travel plans?

3.Over coffee/wine…

I’d tell you that it was quite disheartening that both my feet still are painful when I run.  Obviously I can withstand the pain or I would not run and race half marathons but I definitely will NOT run another marathon (with foot pain.)  And yes, I’ve rested, gotten shots, new shoes, PT, etc.  And no, I do not plan to have surgery.

smiling through the pain

Any bunion/neuroma advice?  Do you run/race with non-injury-related pain?

4.Over coffee/wine…

I’d tell you that that I am not running as fast as I used to.  I am planning to embrace my slowness.  But that seems easier if you run long races… Not a problem yet since most races for 2021 are still cancelled.  I used love my weekly 5ks.

in faster times

Long distance or short distance races, which is your preference? Does finish time matter? Only answer if you have been running at least 10 years. (If not, you can still get faster.)

5.Over coffee/wine…

I’d tell you that in spite of what I said about my snail’s pace, I signed up for a five mile race on March 13. What was I thinking?

Image result for electric city 5 miler

I guess I was thinking back to my favorite 5 miler, the Delmar Dash (which will not happen again this year.)

That’s how long most of my 3 milers take now. lol

It’s Friday so I’m also linking up with bloggers, Me (My First 5K and More), Running With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida!

So Join in!

And don’t forget to link back to your hostesses and visit some other bloggers.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Happy Running! What’s new with you?  Any warm weather trips planned or in-person races? Any neuroma/bunion advise? Please share.

32 thoughts on “FFF: Ultimate Coffee Date for March 2021

  1. As most will agree (I think LOL), speed is relative. That’s why the Garmin seldom accompanies me on my runs. Sure, I don’t like going “slower” any more than anyone else, but I’m so thankful to simply just be running. I wouldn’t wish a 3-month setback on my worst enemy, but being sidelined does gives one a little more perspective.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes an injury does. But sometimes it is short lived. But basically I’m happy to just run. That’s why I don’t wear a watch.


  2. The people I know who’ve had bunion surgery scream about how painful it was. Those I know who’ve had neuroma surgery have not gone back to running. Sigh. I hate to say this but I have no desire to race. At all. I’m not sure what race would relight that fire but I’m happy to run whatever distance and whatever pace on my trails and I’m good. My drawers are bursting with race swag. I’m just over it right now.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m sorry that you’re still having pain in your feet when running 😦 I don’t have a desire to race right now, but i know I’ll be ready next year. I’m still enjoying my solo workouts right now.


  4. That’s a shame about your feet! Yes, I’ll run and race with non-injury related pain, but it just makes life less fun. I’ll be on the lookout for any information about your issues and will pass it along to you.
    I’m still trying to get faster despite multiple setbacks! My body may be trying to tell me something but I’m not listening : )

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  5. I’m so sorry that your feet are hurting so much! I’ve always said I wouldn’t let anyone operate on my feet. But I don’t have a bunion. Hey, as long as you can still run…


  6. My feet bother me, too, but not as much as my spine which causes my right leg to act up (sciatica).

    We are hoping to go to Florida in late May to check out the venue for our son’s rehearsal dinner and to see the wedding venue they’ve picked. Hopefully, both Bill and I will be vaccinated by then; otherwise, I’m not so sure about traveling…

    Have a great weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Our state just got rid of its quarantine requirements. We are thinking about going out to Colorado at the end of April, but it all depends on the state of the virus. We don’t qualify to get out shots yet. Some states have opened their vaccines to people 55 and over. If that happens in PA, I’m there in a heartbeat! Good luck with your 5 miler. I am doing an in-person trail 10k next weekend.


  8. No desire to race. I’d have done the Penguin if it happened, but I’m otherwise meh on anything until maybe fall. I hate summer racing and there doesn’t appear to be anything in spring happening. I think I’m over paying to run in Central Park unless there’s a very good reason and destination races aren’t yet a reliable thing
    Boo on your feet

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  9. I haven’t traveled at all during the pandemic. I won’t be flying anywhere anytime soon, partly because I dont feel comfortable yet but also because my son refuses to wear a mask and he would need to wear one on the plane.
    Sorry you are still having foot pain!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Bummer on the foot pain. It must be so frustrating. I’m glad it’s not stopping you, but still! Nice on the tennis trip. Yes, I am jealous of my older friends who are getting vaccinated! I don’t think Virginia has travel restrictions. DC and MD do, but they are waived for DC/MD/VA.

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  11. I haven’t traveled in over a year and don’t see any in my near future, even though my husband and I have both had our vaccines. We may visit our grandsons, which wouldn’t be considered travel since it’s just about two hours away.

    I am definitely slower. I still train and push myself and I’m happy that my most recent half marathon (over a year ago) was just a little over a half-hour slower than my PR.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Seeing your grandsons should be fun. Especially if it’s been a long time.

      Same about my last half and my PR. It’s all good.


  12. Yeah. No, I’m not traveling. We won’t even have the vaccine until *maybe* this summer but I’m thinking realistically September. Anything before that will be a bonus. We are not even allowed to travel for non-essential reasons. And, plenty of judging and shaming going on in this country at the moment if you do travel. Personally I think it’s an individual’s decision but I’m kind of all about only essential travel right now, OUT of this country. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should (and am only talking about NL to be clear). what’s kind of amazing is that people are coming to The Netherlands and actually being turned away. So, just in case you want to come and visit me 😀 you could still get turned away, vaccine or no vaccine!

    You know I’ve had my neuroma’s removed. And regardless of the issues I’ve had from my left foot surgery, I still believe surgery is the best option. And I hope at some point to get my stuff big toe fixed as well. I will do Chicago marathon next year and that will be my last. I’ll stick with Half Marathon and less because that means less pain in the foot.

    I’m slower than slow and just don’t care anymore! I’m just happy I CAN run.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree about the marathon. I am so happy that my foot didn’t hurt then.

      And you’re right it’s an individual decision regarding Covid activities.

      I hesitate to do surgery since I can still run.

      Slow is better than standing still.


  13. We have traveled a little, but they have been road trips to private cabins. I’m not ready to fly. I’m a bad flier on a good day, so this is just too much right now. We are skipping spring break since states are opening up and I don’t want any part of the madness. While I understand the way our country is set up, I do kind of wish there was a consistent plan for dealing with COVID-19.

    I’m sorry you still have foot pain. That stinks.

    Liked by 1 person

    • At least you gave warm weather so you are not stuck indoors. That makes a big difference.

      Now NYS has lifted quarantine restrictions for travel for 90 days after 2nd vaccine.


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