Weekly Run Down for 10.26.20-11.1.29: Last Week of Daylight

Yup, we turned our clocks back.

So I tried to enjoy my last week of after work fun.  Not that the weather was too great but at least it wasn’t dark.

Last Week –

  • Monday – It started already…cold and damp in the morning and I didn’t feel like going outside …so I didn’t. Grrrrr.

It rained a bit but was still chilly so I stayed in at lunch too.

After work, I dragged myself to The Crossings.  My ulterior motive was a trip to Trader Joe’s.

very sluggish but done between rain showers

I didn’t feel like waiting in line outside in the rain so I went to Target instead of Trader Joe’s.

  • Tuesday – Another cold dreary day. This morning I forced myself to go out for a walk (and I froze).

leaves leaves everywhere. my water line path got widened and with the leaves gone, I now have a path to it from my backyard.

I had a dentist appt so I had to go out again and decided at the spur of the moment to run on the rail trail after.  I had signed up for a few virtual 5ks from NYRR since they were free.  Unfortunately I was way overdressed for a run (and had to keep stopping to take off my sweatshirt, hat, gloves, etc.)

I realized that there is a lot of work to be done if I want to be in 5k racing shape again lol

Since I had gotten my run out of the way, I was free after work to do some other important things – getting my nails done, getting my flu shot, grocery shopping…

And then the rain came – no STEM walk AGAIN.

  • Wednesday – Cold, cloudy, rainy seemed to be the theme of the week. So again I was not motivated to go out and walk or run. Besides my toe has been bothering me…always something (now a hammertoe caused by the neuroma/bunion).

Tonight was our last group trail walk. Due to its closer location, I chose Five Rivers. It was raining when I got done with work but happily it stopped and we had a lovely hike.

  • Thursday – With rain (and possibly snow) in the forecast for today and tomorrow, I thought that I could squeeze in a dry run before work. Nope I got pretty wet but learned that I run better in the morning, I need to be cold when I start out to be comfortable when I finish and a wet run is better than no run.

and yes purple is my favorite color and I always match my clothes. I didn’t wear my new RBG buff because I forgot to take in yesterday’s mail. Darn and it matched lol

It was pouring during lunch so no walk and the same after work.  I had to resort to walking around the mall this evening.

  • Friday – Ok not funny but I woke to snow this morning. I canceled my morning walk but did get out at lunch. Brrrr…didn’t dress warm enough.

pretty for December not October!!!

My Friday friends did want to walk on the rail trail so I dressed warmer and met them.

we are now trying to figure out where to walk next Friday since it will be too dark on the trail…

  • SaturdayLong Run Saturday.  Quite the dilemma on when to run.. Today was a lot colder but sunnier.  Some of the group preferred the warmer but cloudy Sunday. I chose Saturday. I like to get my long run done and then enjoy the weekend.  So off I went to the Nisky Bike Path hoping that the others would be able to join me.

It was 21 degrees when I arrived and of course I have amnesia about how to dress for the winter. I went out for 5 solo miles and after a few minutes, I had to take off my windbreaker (I still had on a vest and long sleeved shirt).  It was chilly but the sun warmed things up nicely. I was hoping for some company but my running companion had car trouble and the others left to go walking while I was waiting. Eventually, I took off running and hoped to catch two of the walkers.  Well, they decided after a mile to run. (without their normal intervals). WTH? It took me 3 miles to catch them and then they were turning around. I ran another 1/2 mile and then I also headed back. I haven’t run solo like that in a long time…not my preference but it got done and I was ready for a delicious breakfast!

a decent run with achy feet (I am getting used to pain, I guess)

On the home front, my MIL is in the hospital with pneumonia (yes, she is stubborn and refuses to get her flu shot or a pneumonia shot). However, now they think it may just be a UTI. Either way, she is 95 but very healthy.

  • Sunday – So happy to have my long run done so I could relax and do some hiking. And it was chilly and windy so running yesterday was the right move.

Instead I decided to go on a few hikes.  I started out early since rain was predicted. First I visited the Schoharie Creek Nature Preserve. I was surprised (since I did zero research) on how pretty it was.

I’m partial to waterfalls and there were several. The hike was a loop but I couldn’t figure it out so I did an out and back halfway and then did it the other way.

Since I was in the area, I decided to re-visit the Landis Arboretum. I had been there months ago but this time I hiked different trails.

just as I was done, it started to rain. Perfect timing. Still plan to go back in the spring and spend even more time there.

This Coming Week – 

  • Monday –  run
  • Tuesday – rest day, hair appt, STEM walk
  • Wednesday –  run, morning off (work til 7:30 pm)
  • Thursday – DAY OFF, hike, run
  • Friday – rest day, walk with friends
  • Saturday –  Long Run (8-10 miles), Final STEM walk event
  • Sunday –  rest day, hiking

I am linking up with Kim and Deborah for

I encourage you to do the same. Grab the graphic, drop your link on the host blogs and play along! Please be sure to always comment on the HOST’s blogs, as well as visit and comment on as many other blogs as you can.

Happy Running! How is your running going? Any “real” or virtual races lately?  Has your weather been lousy this past week too? Are you sad to see Daylight Savings Time arrive? You’ve gotten your flu shot, right? Please share.

32 thoughts on “Weekly Run Down for 10.26.20-11.1.29: Last Week of Daylight

  1. LOL, I am celebrating the return to daylight before 7:00 am. 🙂 Way to get that long run done by yourself. I rarely wear more than (thick) long sleeves and an insulated vest in the winter, but I rarely face temps in the 20s — and certainly not until Jan or Feb.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sorry for all the rain last week! It feels like an early winter in Iowa, as well…not much for rain, but cold (freezing) temps and all kinds of wind. We’ve never had this much wind, this soon, and for so many days (months). Thankfully, this next week is looking warmer. Hope your MIL feels better!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s warmer for us too.
      She’s feeling better but a nurse on her floor tested positive for COVID. Yikes. She had to move to another floor.


  3. I am sorry to hear about your MIL. I hope she gets better soon.

    I have never had a flu shot but am planning to go on Tuesday since I am off that day. I could go tomorrow too since we have an Institute Day and I am done at 1:30pm.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Our weather was FOUL this week. Rain for days and we got our first snow fall today. I really want to run outside because it’s better for speedwork but I’m glad to have the option of the treadmill.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am so jealous of all your gorgeous hikes, even if it was cold and snowed. We got cold weather today, and it’s supposed to continue throughout the week. It’s a much-needed change here.

    I hope your MIL feels better.


    • She is feeling better.

      It’s cold and windy today. Makes it hard to get outside. I don’t use a treadmill so…. hoping the wind will die down and I’ll get out before dark.

      Hiking is the best. Love the NE for the fall but hate the COLD. I will envy you until June.


  6. It’s this time of year that makes me happy to be in the South. Sure, it’s colder here, but “cold” is all relative. I would absolutely freeze to death if it was 21 degrees and not even officially winter yet. I hate daylight savings time. Well, more than that, I just hate when it seems like it’s dark all the time.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. The October snowfall was so crazy! It snowed here too but it didn’t stick, but it did rain here all last week and that got pretty old pretty quick lol. Thankfully today has been much better, now it’s just cold. I hate that its now dark at 5:15 in the evening though 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Congrats on a great week! You stay so busy!

    I just found out today that the Run With Santa 5K that I was hoping to run in person has just gone virtual. 😦 Since I was injured January – March and couldn’t run any races, that means this will be the first year in FOREVER that I didn’t run in a live race…

    Liked by 1 person

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