Runfessions for September ’20

It’s that time again. Time to get things off my chest with Marcia’s Runfessions at Marcia’s Healthy Slice

I cannot believe that it is Fall.  Where did the summer go??

1. I runfess…

I signed up for a series of 8 fall virtual 5k races.  I don’t normally wear a watch but you have to post your times in order for it to count.

Instead of my Garmin, I used my Apple watch.

The problem is that I am so out of shape, that I stop and catch my breath every 30-45 sec (no exaggeration).

A bigger problem is that my watch may be on auto-pause. (actually sometimes it stops when I stop and then sometimes it does not. I never manually pause it.)

You get my drift?

2. I runfess…

I also signed up for another virtual 5k and 10k.

And I actually won my age group in each.

sign of the times…no shirt but a mask instead

At least this time, the faster runners did not run the race so I don’t feel as guilty about my awards.

3.I runfess…

I intended to run last Saturday but three of my friends had decided to walk instead of run. I gladly joined them

Who am I? Choosing to walk rather than run??

at least it was 6 miles so I could earn brunch from Leah’s

4. I runfess…

I am very comfortable running intervals at 13-14 min pace.

30:30 intervals but so enjoyable to run slow and with friends

Though I know that if I raced, this would make me very unhappy.  But it doesn’t bother me enough to run alone and try to regain some of of former speed.

5.I runfess…

I’m an amateur biker… so amateur I’m not even sure that I use the gears correctly and….. I don’t have a helmet (I know, I know, I will get one soon!!)

first bike road trip – 7 flat miles

Don’t worry.  You won’t ever see me and Big Red in a duathlon.

It’s Friday so I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five linkup! Join in! Don’t forget to link back to your hostess and visit some other bloggers.

Happy Running! Anything to runfess this month? So glad to get mine out in the open? Can you identify with any of them? Please share.


21 thoughts on “Runfessions for September ’20

    • That is the question. I don’t think they are races if you don’t use the course. Even if you time them. And yes for me, it’s just a run with swag. Although some runners call them races and even train for them.


  1. I have been a fan of slower running this summer and fall too. It’s so relaxing! Sometimes, especially when I am trail running, my watch autopauses when I actually am still moving. I’m just moving so slowly, it thinks I have stopped. Ugh! I’m with you – I think virtual races are training runs with swag.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ack! No helmet?! Take care of that ASAP! I have my Garmin on autopause but still stop it manually when Scooby stops because I feel it takes too long to register a stop. Joke’s on me when I forget to restart it though! I think a mask is good virtual swag these days, but maybe because I only have a few cloth ones.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have had serious issues wearing a helmet recently. I do it, but I feel terribly claustrophobic and anxious, which is so weird. It fits fine, but I think it has to do with my nerves and feeling off balance from my leg.

    But yeah, it’s important 🙂

    Way to go on your win!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Well, you also never ever going to run a marathon. So never say never. 🙂

    I looked at the Malta 5k. I dunno, I can’t see a scenario when I would wear a race mask that advertised a race. But it’s still great to support local races.

    Since breathing normally at least I’ve settled back into some more normal paces. But I won’t be setting any PRs at a virtual race this year, that’s for sure!


    • I am positive about bike riding. The only time I wear a mask is in a store. I’ve worn it many times since I leave it in my car. A mask isn’t a fashion statement. Although some people may think so lol.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. you’re stopping every 30 seconds and winning your age group?
    Part of the reason I don’t cycle much is I odn’t have a helmet either and won’t ride city streets without one . I need more race shirts like a hole in the head, I’d take and wear a mask for a race, virtual or otherwise. No interest in the virtuals though


    • Um…no competition in this virtual race. lol

      I just bought a cheap helmet in target.

      I just entered the RBG challenge well because RBG. another tee shirt OY!


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