Weekly Run Down for 9.21.20-9.27.20: Fall Officially Arrives

Yes, we’ve already some very chilly mornings. In the 30’s. We’ve already used our fireplace in the evenings. I’ve used the heated seats in my car.

I’m not a fan.  I can never dress right and I HATE that my after work runs and hikes will be slowly disappearing.

Of course, by the end of the week, it felt like summer. OY!

Last Week –

  • Monday – I missed #nevermissamonday because I ran on Sunday and am cautiously resting my back. I went for a pre-work walk and froze (remember I don’t know how to dress for 30 degrees anymore).

these flowers don’t realize how cold it is

I went on a lunchtime walk and then I was too warm.

no worries. there still are flowers despite the frost

Instead of a run after work, since my bike was still on my car, I took it for another road trip. This time to the Corning Bike Trail.

nice views of the Hudson but too many cracks on the path so a bumpy ride

My legs are not yet adjusted to biking… needed a nighttime soak


  • Tuesday – I dressed to run before work but never got out. Instead I squeezed in a 5k during lunch.

too lazy to change my clothes and I was overdressed in the sunshine. I’m halfway in this series and each race is slower lol

After work, I took a walk before my STEM volunteering assignment.  Tonight we walked for about 30 min. and the participants were better behaved than last week. I think I’ll continue doing this.

a sign of the times. we used to give the participants shirts

  • Wednesday – Long day at work so I made sure to get in a few short walks in the hood. 50 degrees before work, 70 degrees at lunch Ouch!

mum time

apple picking time

Today I also had my second appointment with my chiropractor. She said my SI joint was not as tight.  One appointment and I hope to be fixed.  She gave me exercises to do for my tight hip flexors.

For our weekly Sole Sisters after work walk today, we returned to Vosburgh Trails. And the weather was perfect for an evening  on the trails and to the waterfalls.

we really liked the tree on the right

  • Thursday – Day off from work and a busy one.

First I went on a hike with some friends. Due to evening plans, we had to choose a shorter hike – Hadley Fire Tower.  It was my first fire tower climb and I was a little nervous. But it wasn’t that hard and I loved it!! Can’t wait to do another.

It took about 2 hours to get to the top but it was totally worth it and the weather was perfect. I was even over-dressed.

My friend finished the Fire Tower Challenge – She hiked 23 of them!!

When we got back, I had to rush to get to my monthly tennis friends gathering.

we ordered take-out and sat in our friend’s backyard – always a good time!

  • Friday – Rest Day Friday. Started the day with a walk.

my favorite neighborhood sign

But not having run for 2 days had me out there for a short one during lunch. I was tired of my neighborhood so I drove to run. Of course, that meant I had less time to run.  Oh well.

found a new entrance to the park’s trails but ran mostly along the road & around an apartment complex

in a hearse…creepy, right?

And of course, ended my day with my weekly walk with former co-workers. Instead of the rail trail where we usually walk, we toured the neighborhood where my friend recently moved.

  • SaturdayLONG RUN DAY. Back on the rail trail. I had thought of running on Sunday but since the hubby decided to play tennis, I decided to meet friends to run. It was our last run because of our virtual half marathon in NH next weekend. I ran early and then met Deirdre, Jan and Debbie for our run/walk interval run while the others walked.  It was painless which made me happy.

After the run, I couldn’t join everyone for brunch. I had to rush home.  Since we were busy on Sunday, the hubby and I decided to go boating on Lake George today. And the weather couldn’t have been better.

lots of sun, water views, reading and relaxing

  • Sunday – Today we were scheduled to celebrate my MIL’s birthday. It was take-out at her house in the afternoon.

with her grandsons (the 2 on the left are my stepsons)

That made me happy since it meant that I had time to hike to another fire tower. I convinced a friend to accompany me hoping that she would enjoy it. I choose the Dickinson Hill Fire Tower since it was the closest and I didn’t have much time. Also it was reported to be less than a 3 mile out and back hike.

we accidentally parked at the end and climbed the tower first – super views and then we walked the trail

So glad I did this.  And I think Molly enjoyed it too.  I see more fire towers in my future.

This Coming Week – 

  • Monday –  run
  • Tuesday –  run, STEM walk
  • Wednesday –  run, trail walk
  • Thursday – rest day, hair appt. pack
  • Friday – rest day, drive to NH
  • Saturday – run/walk, fun stuff in NH
  • Sunday – virtual Smuttynose Half Marathon in NH

I am linking up with Kim and Deborah for

I encourage you to do the same. Grab the graphic, drop your link on the host blogs and play along! Please be sure to always comment on the HOST’s blogs, as well as visit and comment on as many other blogs as you can.

Happy Running! How is your running going? Any “real” races yet?  How are you embracing Fall? Please share.

24 thoughts on “Weekly Run Down for 9.21.20-9.27.20: Fall Officially Arrives

  1. Yay on quick relief from the back issue. Hope the hip flexor exercises help too
    That’s great that you can drive to and still run during lunch. I’d be on board with something like that to replace evening runs.


    • No no I love your sunrise and sunset runs. Not much to see here that makes it worth getting up early.

      Very happy about the back. Love my chiro!!!

      I can’t always leave during lunch. In fact most of time I don’t have enough time.


  2. What a cool hiking destination! Happy birthday to your MIL – 96! The weather is all over the place this time of year, but at least the worst of the heat is done with for a while. Those mums are gorgeous. I think the squirrels are eating the buds off mine. They ate the blooms and buds off my zinnias earlier this summer.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A trail race I used to do (up until a few years ago) had a similar tower in the middle of the race. It wasn’t “required,” but those who chose to climb (or run) to the top of it got a special prize for taking the detour. Of course, I did it every time LOL Glad to hear your back is feeling better!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh, my goodness! I love your fire tower hikes! It adds so much variety to just a regular walk, run or hike.

    I am glad you weren’t as tight, but definitely take care of those muscles. I know you stretch about as much as I do (as in as little as possible), but we can’t have you hurting yourself again!

    Stay warm!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. We definitely haven’t gotten as cold as you already, but I did fire up the furnace a few mornings. It was chilly in the house! And then it was 80 over the weekend. Now it’s in the 50s. The sun is out but about 15 minutes ago, it was pouring rain. I swear, Mother Nature is bipolar!

    Keep stretching that back. You’ll be glad you did!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I agree on not knowing what to wear for a run when the temperatures change. I wore a tank top for the track this week because it was 55. Oh man, it felt more like 40 when I was running! I like the mask giveaway. I toured a couple of colleges with my daughter recently and I think they really missed out. They should have given us a mask in our “goody” bag! It would have been a good promotional item.


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