How to Support Your Running Friends While Running Alone

Since it’s Tuesday, I’m joining the link-up organized by Zenaida and Kim (Kooky Runner)

My Topic today is: How to Support Your Friends While Running Alone

Now more than ever, runners need support.

I know, you may think this doesn’t apply to you.  You mostly run alone.  You follow your own plan and run whenever you choose and wherever. You pretty much worry about your own running concerns, needs and goals.

I bet at one time or another, another runner has helped you at a race, a run or even provided online support.

I know when I was training for my marathon, I was very lucky to have friends who cared about and supported me. They offered to run parts of my long runs, cheered me on at the end my 20 miler and even tracked me during the big race.

And although my friends and I are currently not running together, I want to still support them, encourage them to keep running and make sure they know I care about them.

So here are some ideas that you can use to support your friends even if you are now running alone:

  • Text them.  Ask them how they are?  What they are doing?  How they are keeping active?

Mass Texting: Keeping Your Church in the Know

  • Set up Video Chats. ZOOM is free and easy to use.  You can discuss running, of course (or anything else) and it’s nice to see their faces and hear their voices.

  • Organize Virtual Running Dates.  You can run at the same time but in different places.  You can even text each other pictures from the run.

Cari and I even planned our outfits for an after work run.

  • Participate with them in Virtual Races. There are so many out there.  Some even send you a bib and a medal (and the fee often supports a charity). You don’t even have run an “official” virtual race.  You can just pick a race and a distance and then run it.

a great one for April

  • Post Your Scheduled Runs (when and when). Your friends will know where and when you are running.  They may even choose to run WITH you (but of course, 6 feet apart.)

3-21 – 8 am at Peebles Island

  • Encourage Signing Up for Summer or Fall Races. Always motivating to have something to look forward to together.
Helderberg to Hudson Half Marathon Registration Page

August 29, 2020

We may feel alone. We may feel isolated. Some of us even may feel depressed and unmotivated due to so many races being cancelled.

But we are really in it together. We can help each get through these difficult times.

those were the days…back in January, I think

I’m  also linking up here:

Formerly the Running Coaches’ Corner, it’s back with new co-hosts Coach Debbie RunsRunning on HappyConfessions of a Mother RunnerMile by MileRuns with Pugs, and Fauxrunner.

Happy Running! How you are supporting your running friends? Please share. 

24 thoughts on “How to Support Your Running Friends While Running Alone

  1. I love these ideas! One thing my running friends and I do it keep a group text. We send photos after our completed runs. It’s one way we motivate and cheer each other on since we can’t run as a group currently.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Haha, I am one that runs alone so to me this is nothing new. I know many runners miss running with their friends. It is understandable cause I know not everyone is like me. I love your ideas or supporting other runners. Thank you for linking up with us!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This definitely makes you appreciate all the times you get to run with your friends, that’s for dang sure. I like the idea of running at the same time – I used to do that with my buddy in California. Of course with the time difference he had to get up pretty early so I could run without it being too hot, but it was fun to run and text afterward.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yes yes yes!!! Support and encouragement are two things one can never get enough of. When I finished the MCM, I had several texts pop up from blogging friends who’d been tracking me. I didn’t know they had been doing so, which made their messages even that more meaningful 😉 We got to have each others’ backs, especially through times like these ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Like you, running alone is a huge adjustment for me. We have set up a bunch of virtual threads and challenges in our MRTT group as well as weekly Zoom happy hours. It helps! Thanks for linking up today


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