Weekly Run Down: 8.19.19-8.25.19 – Work Travel Woes


So work has been hectic. Even more hectic than normal (down TWO trainers and a two new trainings  to learn in the mix). Not ideal conditions to train for a fall race. But it is what it is. And WEEK 8 of NYCM Training has come and gone.

Last Week

  • Monday – I was supposed to go to NYC today but luckily it got changed. I had also signed up (when I was scheduled to work at home this week) for the Saratoga Track Mile. I had always wanted to run a ONE mile race. Well, it’ll have to wait until next year.  The logistics of driving 45 minutes in traffic for a short race and coming home late to pack just didn’t seem right so instead, I got up early and ran before work. The temps were better than previous runs but the rain did not get rid of the humidity…at all.

  • Tuesday – As I already said, I was almost in NYC but I had bought tickets either my tennis friends to go to the Aurora Games, a tennis exhibition. A very late night but enjoyable.

  • Wednesday – So today I did take the train to NYC. I got up early to run but it started to pour so I went back to bed hoping that the weather would be better in NYC. Well it was hot (over 90) and humid. And I missed the rain which was not necessarily a good thing. 11.5 miles on the feet.

running along the East River (no shade 😦 )

  • Thursday – A long work day but my miles been slacking so Cari agreed to meet me in Central Park and we slogged through a run (instead of attending the Brigid Runs a Marathon preview). And I got drenched on my walk home.

the company, the ducks and turtles made this run bearable.

  • Friday – Rest day to returning home late after work by train.
  • Saturday – Long Run Saturday followed by a weekend away with my tennis friends.

14 miles were on my adapted schedule and my friend Stan agreed to meet me at 6 am to run 6 miles and then Karen & Sherry ran the remaining 8 with me too.  Jan, Barbara and Judy joined us for brunch after.

perfect running weather made my longest run ever not too bad at all… `10 more weeks to go!!

Every summer we spend a weekend together at one friend’s house on the Schroon River. We play tennis, eat, swim, and just have fun. The Saturday group was large and so nice to gather everyone in one place.

swimming this year was replaced by a long walk

  • Sunday – Still at the River House. Only a few of us stayed overnight. I had hoped for early morning tennis but instead went for a long run/walk before the others got up.

so beautiful here!!

Afterward, we decided to take a drive to Lake Placid to visit the Adirondack Wildlife Refuge Center.  We saw eagles, cougars, bears, wolves, etc and walked the trails.  A great experience.

10 thoughts on “Weekly Run Down: 8.19.19-8.25.19 – Work Travel Woes

  1. What a fun time with all the girls! Our temps were humid early last week, but then got cold (not cool, but cold…and windy). I want my summer back….

    Great job on the 14-miler! It really helps to have friends to run those miles with, even if you have to break it with with different groups. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

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