Weekly Wrap for 9.17.18-9.23.18: Race Time!!


An exciting week because I did not have to travel except for going to Montreal for my big race(s).

  • Monday – FOMO had me signing up for the Troy Turkey Trot Training Challenge. I cannot go every Monday (due to work) and will probably never go to the Saturday runs but I enjoy the drills when I do go and love my running pals. Last night was the first night and though it was humid and the run hilly. I loved it!!

  • Tuesday – I got scheduled to sub on my former tennis contract. I was hoping to also get in a short run in before (if the rain stopped.) Holy heat and humidity but I did get in a short one at the town park but I was as wet as if it rained (from sweat.)

  • Wednesday – Rest day due to my monthly tennis ladies meet up (of course, the weather was perfect for running.) This month we went to the movies followed by dinner. As usual, lots of laughs.  Love these ladies!!

  • Thursday – Last run before my mini race-cation to Montreal and then rushed home to pack.

the uAlbany loop

  • Friday – Drive with 3 of my running buds to Montreal. No major problems besides the torrendous rain and getting lost LOL. We checked into the hotel, visited the expo and walked to Old City to have dinner. More rain so we ubered back to the hotel.
  • Saturday – I signed up for the 5k today and my roomie signed up for the 10k. Mine started at 8 am and hers at 8:30. But we walked to the start together.  The weather was cool and absolutely perfect.  I had planned to walk the 5k but instead I ran it slowly and took in the sights.  The best way to run a race in a new city. I need to do this more often,

After I was done, we all got to cheer my roomie in.  The rest of the day was spend having lunch, walking around town and then carb-loading in the evening with the whole group to get ready for big one.

  • SundayRace Day!! Another perfect weather day.  We were all so excited to run this race.  Unfortunately, the weather and friends were the only good things I could say about this race. But Half Marathon #32 is done.  I actually won 2nd in my age group but was too tired to pick up my award.

Afterward, we had a delicious lunch in the Old City and then drove home. Another short race-cation has come to an end. And it was a fun one (even though the race experience was not what we hoped.)

This Coming Week – 

  • Monday –  drive to Liverpool for work, 3 recovery miles. 
  • Tuesday   3 miles, Liverpool
  • Wednesday – rest day, drive home
  • Thursday4 miles
  • Friday – rest day, bus to NYC
  • SaturdayGovernors Island 5k, bus home
  • Sunday – Boating Sunday

Please link up for the Weekly Wrap hosted by these wonderful bloggers Holly @ HoHoRuns and Wendy @ Taking the Long Way Home


Happy Running! How is your running going? What’s new with you?  Any big races on the horizon? Please share.


34 thoughts on “Weekly Wrap for 9.17.18-9.23.18: Race Time!!

  1. Congrats on placing in your AG. That’s awesome!

    I did this race last year and it was my least favorite race for many reasons (that I can’t get into here), so I understand what you mean. I’m happy that you had cool weather – we had awful hot and humid weather last year!


  2. Congrats on the AG award but bummer on being too tired to collect it. Once I’m done with a race I’m usually ready to get out of there. Are you going to tell us more about why it wasn’t a great experience?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations on your AG win! That’s awesome! Will they mail you your award?

    How far of a drive is it? I think it’s so cool that you are close enough to just pop over the border like that. To get out of the country the quickest way, I have to be on a plane or boat.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You’ve got my interest piqued about this not-what-you-expected race! But, congrats on the AG award anyway. And, at least you enjoyed the weekend with friends. It looks like a nice place to visit. I’ve never been to Montreal.

    You are still boating? The weather must be nice!

    Thanks for linking!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I expected a RnR race to be similar to the one I ran In Vegas. The weekend was fun. It’s not all about racing. Montreal is a beautiful city. I need to go back to see more of it. This Sunday will probably be my last boating day until next year.


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