Friday Five: Loving/Not Loving

It’s Friday so I’m linking up with Running on Happy & Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five 2.0 linkup! Join in! Don’t forget to link back to your hostesses and visit some other bloggers.

My topic today is:  Five Loving/Not Livings

Image result for loving

1.Cooler temps

There were a few days when I was actually chilly when running. I still wore a tank because I am stubborn like that but quickly added a jacket when I was done.

2. Running in different locations away from home.

I may not love my job but what I do enjoy about it is getting to see different places and running new routes away from home.

Roosevelt Island, NYC

along the beach of Lake Ontario in Rochester, NY

3. My 32nd Half Marathon is almost here.

My last half marathon was in the rain in May.  It seems like forever ago. But finally next weekend I will be in Montreal.  It’s my first Rock n Blogger event. And my first International Race.

I will be sharing the experience with 5 friends. Can’t wait!

Sherry and Christina behind her are two of my friends who are running it with me.

4.I am going to France!

I am beyond excited about this.

I haven’t been there since 2000 and as a former French teacher I used to go often.  Of course, I wasn’t a runner then so now my trip will include a race.

20 km de Paris

Oct 14, 2018


I was recently lamenting that the summer was almost over and I had not gone on a single hike.

But then I convinced a friend to go hiking with me.

Stewart Mountain in Chestertown, NY (overlooking Loon Lake)

And I begged my hubby to do the same.

Pinnacle Pt in Bolton Landing, NY (overlooking Lake George)

Image result for not loving

1. The days are getting shorter.

2.I have a cold!


3.I have insomnia.

Just one of those weeks….no sleep!!!!!!!!

4.I have been skipping some of my favorite 5ks.

Having FOMO from all those IG and FB posts of the races that I usually run.

This race supports Ovarian cancer. My friend in the pic recently died form this disease.

5.I need a manicure!

No time!!! Maybe this weekend.

Happy Running! What are  you Loving or Not Loving right now?






Disclaimer: I received a free entry to the Rock ‘N Roll Montreal 5k and Half Marathon as part of being a Rock n Blogger.

16 thoughts on “Friday Five: Loving/Not Loving

  1. Last week was my sleep deprived week but it was all about the hot bedroom. I never really consider Canada to be international, even though I know technically it is. But France certainly is! Montreal has some great bagel places, btw.

    I actually started to write up my RnR Montreal post a long time ago but obviously I never finished it.

    I am loving that Lola is no longer honking. She’s not completely normal, but at least we can all sleep again.


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