Weekly Run Down for 4.9.23-4.16.23: Race Week

Yes, Saturday was one of my favorite local races: Helderberg to Hudson Half Marathon.

It has a downhill course so as a result it has been one of my fastest half marathon each year that I’ve run it.

Unfortunately, this year I was laid up with a broken foot for many weeks.

I had the option of losing the money and just volunteering or spectating (since my friends were running it) or just run/walking it slowly.

Not an easy decision.

Last Week:

  • Sunday – Easter Sunday but unexpectedly I had to go to NYC for work.

Before I left, I had plans to go to the gym… but it was CLOSED. Boo!

So I decided to hike a bit to check out the spring blooms.

ZERO blooms but lots of reflections and mud at Pine hollow Arboretum

Once I arrived in NYC, I made sure that after I checked into my hotel to get out for a walk.

I headed to Central Park where EVERYONE else was and spent hours there (9 miles walking) among the flowers and cherry trees.  I was in heaven.

many more pics on FB.

  • Monday – Since I didn’t set up for my class the day before, I had to take the subway extra early.

After work, I quickly changed my clothes and headed out for a walk/run.

Because I had spent so much time the day before in the park, I decided on the Hudson River Greenway heading toward the World Trade Center.

such a beautiful day and so after my run, I walked back on the High Line.

  • Tuesday – No time for anything but work as I had to head home by train in the evening.
  • Wednesday – I hadn’t been to the gym since last Friday but I couldn’t drag myself there early enough so I went at lunch time. (sorry no time for a selfie)

And because I missed my mentor assignment on Monday, I joined them for a run today… this time at a location near my home.

omg… so warm out but the beginner group was up to 5 min. running

I had to rush home since my college friends wanted to ZOOM tonight.

  • Thursday – Getting more spring-like everyday… or should I say SUMMER-like.

Thursday after work runs have become a thing so I joined my friends at UAlbany this week.

90 degrees with zero energy.. it would be an exaggeration to even call this a run… Stan took the pic of me with my running buddies (check out my shirt)

When I was done, I was supposed to meet my BFF for a walk in the mall (but she had to cancel) so I went out to dinner (and then ice cream) with my friends.

  • Friday – OK, definitely summer!! I started the day at the gym. I bumped into an old friend and we chatted (no time now for a pic.)

I hosted mah jongg tonight at my house.

  • Saturday – Volunteering at the H2H Half Marathon.

And no, this time I was sad but I didn’t cry.  I am running again and I know I could have done the race, I decided instead to focus on my training for the Brooklyn Half.

My assignment was finish line set-up. So first I helped unload the bus with the checked bags.

And then I stayed around to cheer runners on and give out medals (on a very warm day.).

It was cool to see the winners as well as the many local runners that I knew.

And then since it was Saturday, I went out to brunch with my running friends.

  • Sunday – Long Run? 10 miles?

My friend Barbara bought my bib and was planning to run the race virtually.  Since I planned to do a long run, I said that I would run some miles with her.  Fingers crossed that we don’t have to do it in the rain or heat wave.

This Coming Week on the Run– 

  • Monday – Day OFF – GYM, hike, FTC run
  • Tuesday, GYM, rest day, walk w/BFF
  • Wednesday – DIL’s 20 week prenatal visit, train to NYC for work, BBG visit, run
  • Thursday – short run, Broadway show
  • Friday – rest day, train home
  • Saturday – Long Run (11 miles)
  • Sunday – GYM, rest day, hike

This Coming Week on the Blog – 

  • Tuesday – H2H Half Marathon Race Recap – as a Spectator Again
  • Friday –  5 Ingredient Dinners

Happy Running! How is your year of running so far? Training for any big races? Ever run a big race undertrained? Do you like to volunteer at races? Please share.






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28 thoughts on “Weekly Run Down for 4.9.23-4.16.23: Race Week

  1. I’m sure it was so hard not to lace up and run H2H, but it sounds like you made the right decision. I’m sure you’ll do great at Brooklyn. I have a race next weekend, and while I’ve been training for it, I know how hard those hills are. I’m not sure I could have trained any more for it. At this point, the goal is crossing the finish line and not feeling completely trashed like I did last year.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am confident that you will be fine… and hope you enjoy it more than last year.

      And yes, it was hard esp since it was my 3rd one and I knew so many of the runners. It’s hard to know if you made a mistake until after. This year, I’m playing it safe


  2. I think you were smart to play it safe. There will be plenty more races. Besides, you wouldn’t have PR’d in this one anyway because of the heat. The important thing is, you are running again!!! I hope your long run today went well and you didn’t get rained on.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I know how much of a bummer it must be not running your fav races, but it’s nice to see you’re at least channeling your energy as a volunteer! I’d think the finish line would be a great place to bask in the race experience & I’m sure all the racers appreciate your dedication.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was very HARD seeing everyone run a race you planned to run (as you know.)

      I ran 10 today and made me realize that I am NOT ready for 13.1… yet.


  4. Wow wow, all those lovely flowers and colours!
    Probably clever to skip the race and focus on the next. But at least you could be involved by volunteering. And you’re running again! That’s fantastic. I’m glad you have some warmer weather too.

    Liked by 1 person

    • it’s been very warm… no complaining because it will end and I’ll be cold again.

      I don’t volunteer often enough because I want to be racing.


  5. 9 miles walking! That’s a lot. You saw some lovely flowers along the way.

    Glad you are at peace with your decision not to race this weekend. Now that you’re through it you can focus on your Half when you WILL be running!

    Liked by 1 person

    • As you know, it’s a BIG park.

      It wasn’t easy but I think I made the right choice… but everyone who was running looked like they were having so much fun… sigh.


  6. Volunteering at races is always something I feel like I should do more of but I always forget to sign up. I really enjoy the experience, though, and love watching the finishers especially. You still have time for the Brooklyn Half so I’m sure you’ll be ready by then.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Well done for volunteering, and it looks like it was fun. I have done 4 x 10 minute test run/walks now, a bit stiff today but to fit it in I had to literally get out of bed, roll and run, so I was pleased in general.

    Liked by 1 person

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