Share Four Somethings – June/July 2022

Harmony Harkema - The Well-Juggled Life

Share Four Somethings is a monthly link-up that Heather Gerwing started back in 2018. The concept is to share the same four topics every month as a way to look back and recap your month. The link-up opens on the 4th Saturday of every month and stays open for one week.

The topics for 2022 are: Something Loved. Something Gleaned, Something Braved or Saved and Something Achieved.

Feel free to join her.  I’m adapting it and changing the post date obviously.

1.Something Loved.

Racing, of course. And Trails and Boating.  But most importantly, time with friends and family.

2.Something Gleaned

It actually came from a birthday card:

Substitute Running/Racing for “Life.”

You can get all the advice in the world, follow recommended training plans, wear the perfect clothes, eat healthy foods, do the right workouts and the results rarely make us happy.

So we obsess…

Should I run longer training runs?  Should I do more drills? Could I have run faster?  Is my form correct?  Should I increase my cadence?  Longer or shorter stride?  Do I shuffle? Yada yada.

So why not try as the card says:

Worry less, laugh more, just wing it and be happy!!

3.Something Braved

For the first time since March 2020, I taught a live class (in Queens, NY).  I’ve been teaching remotely which is a lot different besides being impersonal, you read your content (a script).

Of course, an in-person class is harder since you have to have the content memorized but it is more rewarding seeing those persons whom you are training in front of you.  They are engaged and have to pay attention (and hopefully learning a lot.)

The downside is the threat of COVID and being indoors (and not able to wear a mask all day) all day as well as riding the subway to and from.

File:Gertz Plaza in Jamaica, Queens.jpg - Wikipedia

the inside of this building is much more pleasant

my lab

4. Something Achieved

I am more than halfway toward my 1000 mile annual running goal.  It’s only a goal but it proves that I had been running consistently all year and not injured.

So far, so good.

513 miles!!

And I’ve run 20 races so far this year!! And you know how I love to race!

A few of my local favorites:

and because it’s Friday, I’m adding one more:

5. Something Read or Watched

Not much on the TV front – most shows are on hiatus and I am not a big TV watcher (esp. in the summer).

I did see this movie (in the theatre). I enjoyed it so much (and went with friends). At some point, I’d like to see Top Gun (with the hubby).

On the reading front, I try to read everyday… so yes, I read a lot of books. Here are a few:

Happy Running! Anything to share on the topics above or one of your own? 


Welcome to Fit Friday Five! Please join the hosts Me (My First 5K and More), Running With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida

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16 thoughts on “Share Four Somethings – June/July 2022

  1. That is quite a birthday card! I love your substitution- “Running” instead of “Life.” You’re right, it’s easy to get too analytical about running. At the end of the day, what’s the point, if not to have fun with it? I’m going to copy that quote and put it up on my bathroom mirror!
    I haven’t read any of those books (although Seven Husbands is on my TBR) but I used to love Anne Tyler. I keep meaning to read one of her newer books but never get around to it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I didn’t love the Anne Tyler one although I used to. I plan to read another by the author of seven husbands. That one was a fun read.

      I agree. It’s too easy to get stressed about running.


  2. I love this post idea. I know you have written about it before. Thinking now I can make it a monthly thing. Great wording on the birthday card. I love it that it tells us to be happy. Now that word I do like too!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That card really does say it all – the amount of time we spend worrying and stressing both in life and running can really sap the joy from it all. I am loving races being back here FINALLY!!! That was something I really missed, kind of got used to not having, but always longed for their return. So I am so happy about that!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree. You don’t realize how much you miss racing until you return to it.

      I am a worrier so I’m trying to relax more.


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