Ultimate Coffee Date for June ’22

It’s that time of the month…

time to join up with Coco & Deborah
for their ultimate coffee date.

1. Over coffee… 

I’d tell you that I’m excited that weekly group trail runs have started.

It’s not that I RUN them but it’s fun to get to see different places each week and socialize and eat ice cream!

Last night:

2.Over coffee…

I’d tell you that I have the next THREE Mondays off.

There will be adventures.  Most likely the day off will include running and either boating or hiking. Maybe even some biking or tennis.

3.Over coffee/wine…

I’d tell you that gardening is hurting my body. I love my flowers. But…

After hours of weeding, my knee felt so wonky the next day that I called my chiro.

Of course, the pain went away and didn’t affect my running.

4.Over coffee…

I’d tell you that I’m also heading this month to my favorite city for work.

First time (for work) since January 2020.

it was for work, I swear…

5.Over coffee…

I’d tell you that the only race that I have run EVERY YEAR (no mater what) is tomorrow. It will be my 15th time (14th in-person).




Happy Running! What’s new with you?  Do you enjoy gardening? Looking forward to any favorite races? Do you enjoy trail running?  If you have a day off from work, what would you do? Please share.







It’s Friday so I’m also linking up with bloggers, Me (My First 5K and More), Running With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida!

So Join in!

And don’t forget to link back to your hostesses and visit some other bloggers.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

32 thoughts on “Ultimate Coffee Date for June ’22

  1. I do enjoy gardening and was just thinking I need to transfer my vegetables out of the big pots I put them in when I bought them into the ground. I discovered a few years ago when I do that rather than just putting them straight into the ground they do much better with the transition from their little containers to big pots to the ground. For me, it’s my lower back that’s often bothering me after gardening, though.
    Trail running is nice in the summer months where you at least have the shade from the trees.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My favorite race is tomorrow, too (DAM to DSM). Knock wood, the weather is looking favorable 😉 Gardening is tough work! I spent a few hours, on Monday, yanking weeks and knee-high grass, and my back (and glutes/hammies) were majorly compromised afterwards.


  3. Oh, I have ended up very sore after gardening as well! I don’t really enjoy it this time of year because it’s so hot- of course it’s also our rainy season so everything is growing like crazy, so I really should be out there pulling weeds.
    Enjoy your Mondays! I’ll be interested to hear how you spend them. And have fun at your race tomorrow- looking forward to the recap as always!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I used to really enjoy gardening, but these days I’m busy with other stuff.

    Have fun in the city! I know you will!

    Freihofers has always been hit or miss for me — although it turns out I won’t be at my moms today, looks like I might be there Sunday. Or not, who knows? But I ran long today (and am glad I could) so am not planning to jump in last minute tomorrow — especially since potentially being away on Sunday now.


  5. Have fun tomorrow at the Freihofer’s race – the year you had to run it virtually, you “ran” it with Cari, Kim, and me! So fun!

    I hear you on the gardening. I have to be so careful bending over not to hurt my back so I wear knee pads and get down on my knees. So far that’s been okay.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I work a 4 10 hour day schedule so I do love having three day weekends all the time. Makes it much easier to get time in with friends and my boyfriend and still have a day to myself to do stuff around the house and relax.

    I LOVE NYC! Prior to this April, I hadn’t been there since college and I really have no idea why it took me this long to take another trip up there! The city is just so exciting! And visiting the Harry Potter store was AMAZING. I can’t wait to plan a trip back- now that I can drive/take a train and don’t have to fly it’s going to be so much more accessible to me!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You need to come visit.
      And yes the race was hard but fun.
      Those trails are just for pure enjoyment and getting out in nature.


  7. Ahh, I love long weekends! Hope you have a whole ton of fun! I’m hoping to do more hikinga gain soon! :]

    Your garden is gorgeous! :] I recently acquired a garden so I’m working on it (slowly but surely)! Glad your knee is okay!


    • I haven’t been doing much hiking this year. I hope with this extra two days off a month, I will be motivated to do more.


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