FFF: Runfessions for Feb. ’22

It’s that time again. Time to get things off my chest with Marcia’s Runfessions at Marcia’s Healthy Slice

It’s no surprise that my runfessions should be called RACEfessions.

1.  I runfess… 

It’s only February but I think I am already ignoring my word for the year.

Remember how I choose the word INTENTIONAL?

I have about 30 races on my Races list…and I am been impulsively signing up…

I guess I can say that I am INTENTIONALLY signing up for a lot of races lol

2. I runfess… 

As I have mentioned in a previous post, once my NYC half marathon (Frozen Penguin) got cancelled, I was forced to sign up for another this coming weekend (or lose $80).

So I am racing another hilly two loops around Central Park but my only goal is to enjoy my time in NYCCari is also running the same race.

Hopefully I’ll be adding some fun shenanigans such as a visit to Governor’s Island (to see some ice sculptures).

Governors Island Winter Ice Sculpture Show: Proposal Deadline - Go Green Brooklyn

3. I runfess…

There are so many cities and so many races, but NYC keeps pulling me in.

Shape Half ’17

You know where this is going.  I signed up for another Central Park race in April.

NOT a 2 loop hilly half marathon!! Just one hilly loop – a new 5.8 mile race.

May be an image of text that says 'SHAPE +Health Womenshalf 13.1M 5.8M NYTRR NEW YORK ROAD RUNNERS'

Maybe even the cherry blossoms will bloom early this year…

Cherry Blossom Trees in Central Park

5.  I runfess…

Every May even though I no longer play tennis, I go to Naples, FL to play tennis for 8 days.

I have in the past run a 5k but in recent years I have not been able (due to scheduling or COVID).

This is was in 2019.  Rebecca died unexpectedly last year (so I will thinking of her whenever I run this race 😦 )

You’ll be happy to know, that I will be running a 5k race while I’m there this year.

May 15, 2022

Happy Running! Anything to runfess this month?  Do you try to find races when you go on vacation?  Have you been signing up for races in 2022?  Do you like running in NYC? Please share.







It’s Friday so I’m also linking up with bloggers, Me (My First 5K and More), Running With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida!

So Join in!

And don’t forget to link back to your hostesses and visit some other blog

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27 thoughts on “FFF: Runfessions for Feb. ’22

  1. Maybe you’re impulsively signing up for races, but there’s intention behind it. You’re healthy and race are happening now- you might as well make the most of it because you never know what the future will bring. Remember we talked about this in FL- although I still haven’t acted on it and signed up for a race.
    Good luck and have fun this weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes. Life is short and who knows how long I will be able to race. That’s my excuse .I’m sticking to it lol

      FLL next February!!!

      Can’t wait to hear what race you sign up you before that….


    • Hanging out with Cari I know will be fun.. the race – probably not lol

      Yes I am intentionally racing… life is short… racing is healthy


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