Weekly Run Down for 12.12.21-12.19.21: Let the Holiday Eating Begin..

As the title indicates, there was a whole lotta eating going on this week.

Dinner out to celebrate my BFF’s birthday, dinner out to celebrate with my walking buddies, my annual holiday tennis party, dinner out with my stepson & his wife (since since they will away for Christmas) and then the re-scheduled anniversary dinner with my mah jongg friends (to celebrate 13 years together.) ALL IN THE SAME WEEK!!

I’m pretty sure I did not run enough miles to offset those calories.  Hey…tis the season, right?

The good news is that this started. I hope you joined us (and if you haven’t, it is not too late):

Last Week:

  • Sunday – I had run a 5k race the night before but I had registered for a local 3.5 mile race today. The race was free so I almost skipped it  in favor a long run. But glad that I did not because I got to chat with many of the runners that I didn’t connect with the night before (in a much bigger race).

After some refreshments, I went out to run some more miles so I could call it a “long” run.

  • Monday – Due to the weekend mileage #nevermissamonday run almost did not happen. But looking at my busy schedule, I was not sure if I would have any time to run during the rest of the week.

the only good thing about going to the office

I had to go into the office for a while so I packed some running clothes and stopped on my way home (at Six Mile Waterworks) to squeeze in a lunch run.

balmy 50 degrees (over dressed!!)

  • Tuesday  – No time to run today. But I did squeeze in my workout during lunch.

are you participating?? It’s very fun.

And after work, I went out to dinner with my BFF to celebrate her birthday.

a delicious Italian pasta dinner with my friend from college

  • Wednesday – Another busy work day but I was able to squeeze in a run at lunchtime

quite breezy and chilly today

and then go out to dinner with my walking friends.

another delicious dinner + wine and dessert

  • Thursday – I actually ran before work!  Yes me!

There was no other time to run since my annual holiday party with my tennis friends was scheduled for tonight.

that tree was beautiful – best sight on the run

I loved it!! Why don’t I do it everyday? Well, today it was warm and my online training started a little later so why not? The downside was the fog and clouds so no pretty sunrise. Just means I need to go out another time.

The true test of friendship is even if we do not play tennis together anymore, the bond between us stronger than ever.

As usual, I had a blast with my friends- eating, chatting, singing, gift-giving… Even more grateful for this occasion because it didn’t happen in 2020.

  • Friday – Another rest day because I never run the day before (and day after) a long run. But why is the nicest weather day of the week on my rest day??
  • SaturdayLong run Saturday. 9 miles on my schedule. This week, we headed to the rail trail.  Unfortunately snow was predicted so fingers were crossed that I could get in my miles before the weather got crazy.

getting pelted with freezing rain does make you run faster lol

I got there early and ran 2 solo miles and then 8 more with some company. No snow at all during the run but it did sleet most of the last 4 miles.

Instead of exchanging gifts with my family, we decided on go out to dinner together at a new upscale restaurant in Saratoga.

my stepson & his wife

  • Sunday –  A early impromptu afternoon hike with a friend to work off some calories.

muddy in spots but we stayed upright – 3.5 miles

because today I planned to attend my mah jongg book club followed by our re-scheduled anniversary dinner – 13 years and counting!! (Have you read The Plot?)

This Coming Week on the Run– 

  • Monday –   run, volunteer
  • Tuesday – run at lunch, walk
  • Wednesday – rest day, walk
  • Thursday – run at lunch, walk, mah jongg
  • Friday -rest day
  • Saturday – Christmas Long Run (10 miles), dinner with the fam
  • Sunday – rest day, hiking

This Coming Week on the Blog – 

  • Tuesday – 2021 in Photos
  • Friday –  Everyone Should Volunteer More

I am linking up with Kim and Deborah for

I encourage you to do the same. Grab the graphic, drop your link on the host blogs and play along! Please be sure to always comment on the HOST’s blogs, as well as visit and comment on as many other blogs as you can.

Happy Running! How is your running going? Any in-person races planned? Have you been doing any celebratory holiday eating? Did you join the bloggers’ 12 days of fitmas challenge or any other challenges? Please share.

30 thoughts on “Weekly Run Down for 12.12.21-12.19.21: Let the Holiday Eating Begin..

    • the perks of not having a 8-4 job.

      But I realize that I just have to get used to running in the dark some days if I want to be consistent during the work week and in bad weather for the long run on the weekend since I don’t plan on retiring.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I’m pretty sure that none of us (possibly barring ultra runners) are running enough to offset the calories consumed this week! But that’s okay… we’ll get back on track soon.
    Great job of getting your runs in! Yes, the early morning run is a great thing if you can pull it off. I had a missed workout this week because I chose to sleep in and thought I would do it later… nope! Didn’t happen.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We’ve had a lot of holiday treats arriving at work, from our vendors. Ooooh, the temptation is unreal! You have so many awesome social opportunities with your various groups, lucky you 😉 ANd, you’re doing a great job keeping active in the cold. Aren’t those pre-workday runs nice!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, so many activities! We had our office party — just at the office — and even that left me paranoid about covid — I haven’t gotten my booster yet but so far I’m staying healthy.

    You know I prefer morning runs, but I admire your ability to go out in the afternoon.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What a busy week – wow! I had a gift exchange with my BookCrossing friends this week, but we decided to do it remotely again so we’d all posted each other presents (well, I walked one up to my friend who’s living with debilitating RA, and took her gift for another woman home with me and delivered it the next day …) and opened them on a Zoom call, for the second year in a row, which was a bit sad but worked well.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Your posts always make my head spin–you are one busy lady! I get overwhelmed so easily and I prefer quiet time at home, lol. You’d be proud of me, tho, I have been meeting up with my trail running group regularly now. Enjoy the week ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Look at you running before work 🙂

    Sounds like a really fun week Darlene! But yes, you must have been a little warm for a 50 degree run in that- even if you run colder than me! Hah!

    Way to make the most of time with friends combined with activities!

    Liked by 1 person

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