Weekly Run Down for 12.7.20-12.13.20: Happy Chanukah!

This week was a mixed bag.

It started on a high note.  Having just run a real race and had a mini vacay in NYC, I felt energized.

I am smiling beneath that gaiter 🙂

I took off a day from work this week and the weather was perfect for a run and a hike.

Things went downhill from there.

My external laptop monitor died (which is essential for my job). Not a big deal, I ordered a new one (and hooked up temporarily an old one).

But by the end of the week, I was in tears. My daughter-in-law lost the baby (at 15 weeks). No words for how devastated my family is.

Back to running. (I felt I had to share even though it’s personal because I posted in the Coffee Date that I was going to be a grandmother.)

Last Week –

  • Monday – Walking around NYC in boots rather than running shoes made my feet ache so I decided to call it a rest day. It was cold and breezy so it wasn’t a hard decision.

I did keep my streak alive (I think I have one…) of taking a walk at lunch. And then a short after work before getting my nails and my errands (that got missed over the weekend) done.

  • Tuesday – Another cold dreary morning. Again not tempted to walk before work. But dragged myself out at lunch for a run. I froze!!!!

Not only cloudy but windy too. I looked when I was done and it was “feels like 15 degrees!!” Ouch.

After work, I was not even tempted to go outdoors for a walk or hike.  I, instead, went to the mall to get in some steps (in a warm environment.)

  • Wednesday – Woke up to snow showers…UGH!  But the snow did stop with not much accumulated.  Again, I skipped my morning walk but got out at lunch.

It was still flurrying a bit and cold but not as windy as the day before.  The only thing that was cold was my feet.  I wore my trail shoes since I ran on the roads and there was a lot of black ice.

and I didn’t take any books or dvds today lol

No walk after work since I had a hair appt.

so fun to complete a virtual race virtually with friends. Thanks Jenn for the collage.

  • Thursday – Today I had the day off from work. It was nice to be able to run in the morning. Though cold, it is my favorite time of day to run. And I had time to drive somewhere to run. I decided to go to the Crossings followed by a trip to Trader Joe’s.

I had signed up for one more NYRR virtual 5k (see pic above) so I officially completed it today. Sorta. My watch died.  I started out in the park but it was slushy and icy so I continued onto a snowy trail and eventually ran in the neighborhoods.

notice anything amiss in my photo?

In the afternoon, I planned to go on a hike. I went back to the Van Buren Nature Trails (that I had visited a few weeks ago.) My friend Jan agreed to meet me there.

there were 4 colored trails…somehow we didn’t complete what we had planned…back again for visit #3, I guess.

Tonight was the first night of Chanukah so I lit the candles.  No gifts exchanged here.

flowers from TJ’s – they last 3 weeks so I can always have flowers in my house 🙂

  • Friday – No running today. But got in a few chilly walks.

more cute balloons in the ‘hood

The longer one was done with a friend after work around the outdoor mall.

  • Saturday – Back on track with my Saturday Long Runs. This week, we returned to the Nisky Bike Path. We hoped to get it done (including brunch) before the predicted rain.

I got there early to run 4 miles with Karen and then ran 6 more with my other friends. 10 done for day. No reason to run this many miles since I have no idea when my next half will be but what the hell? It definitely felt harder than usual. I think that skipping the 10 miler (in lieu of a 5k + 15 mile walk) had an effect.  I need the consistency, I guess.

and yes, we’re still doing outdoor brunch

  • Sunday – My traditional hiking day.  Since I’ve never hiked in the winter, I was leery of going anywhere where there would be ice or snow. I guess that is pretty limiting to any of the pretty mountain hikes.

I decided on Amy’s Park up north since there were several easy trails to choose from.

There is a race there but it was changed to virtual this year.

It was rainy on my drive up but happily it stopped and turned out to be a very nice day.  The trail was quit wet and muddy so I hiked the easy yellow (in both directions). I was alittle disappointed in the trails being out and back,

always love a waterfall

Since it was along drive, I decided I wanted to do more hiking. I stopped at a preserve but realized that it was way too icy so I continued into town.  I passed Up Yonda Farms and took a chance that there would be nice trails there. What a treasure!! I’ve been boating for 15 years there and never visited these trails.

lots of different trails and of course, an awesome view of Lake George.

It was so nice that I stopped for ice cream (egg nogg – tis the season).

Nothing like a day out in nature to take you mind off things.

This Coming Week – 

  • Monday –  morning off, run
  • Tuesday – DAY OFF, run, hike, mall walk with BFF
  • Wednesday –  rest day, funeral for my grandson
  • Thursday –  run
  • Friday – rest day, walk with friends
  • Saturday –  Long Run
  • Sunday – rest day, hiking, college ZOOM

I am linking up with Kim and Deborah for

I encourage you to do the same. Grab the graphic, drop your link on the host blogs and play along! Please be sure to always comment on the HOST’s blogs, as well as visit and comment on as many other blogs as you can.

Happy Running! How is your running going? Have the winter temps hit? How is your holiday decorating and shopping going? Does being out in nature cheer you up? Please share.

33 thoughts on “Weekly Run Down for 12.7.20-12.13.20: Happy Chanukah!

  1. In spite of everything you posted here, I’m fixated on your loss. So sorry for your family and your daughter in law. Having had a miscarriage of twins at 8 weeks, and that after months of trying, my heart goes out to her. A successful pregnancy is a gift. I hope she heals quickly and that she achieves her dream of being a mom. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh Darlene…there are no words that would do justice for the heartache you and your family is going through. I’ve been there myself (three times), but every woman experiences the loss in their own way. Hugs to all of you ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. oh Darlene, I am so very sorry for your daughter in law and all of you. My heart just aches for you all. I am glad that being outside helps takes your mid off of things. It does that for me as well.I will be thinking of you all xoxo


  4. So sorry for your loss, again. So many hopes & dreams dashed.

    Up Yonda Farms rings a vague bell for me. I wonder if I looked at it and it was closed at one point, or maybe doesn’t allow dogs. There probably won’t be many un-snowy/icy trails soon. I’m lucky that I can now go in my mom’s apartment, so that takes a lot of the pressure off of finding a bathroom.

    Here’s to better weeks.


    • No dogs allowed. But off season, no one is around. I don’t think the restrooms are open, though. But it is near a Stewarts.

      Another running friend (she’s a STEM mentor) just died from cancer. So much sadness.

      But I still have many blessings. I am grateful for my job, runs, hikes and friends to get me through these tough times.

      Liked by 1 person

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