Weekly Run Down for 8.3.20-8.9.20: A SUNFlowery Week with Some Needed Rain

Much of the same.  Working from Home has no end in sight…at least until October but most likely until 2021.

Love WFH for convenience to running/walking/hiking but miss my trips to NYC!!


I have from May 15 until Aug 31 to run/walk 1000k.  Almost there…

Last Week –

  • Monday – #NeverMissaMonday?  Not really but it just happens that my long runs are on Saturday so I run on Mondays most weeks if the weather and work cooperate.  I was able to squeeze in one before work and bumped into a tennis friend running in my neighborhood which was nice.

you can see how tall these sunflowers were, LOVE these!! Another reason to get outside, right?

Not too much time for a lunch walk but I did get out since rain was predicted for Tuesday.

don’t we all love a sign with flowers and more yellow flowers?

Not sure why but I felt very energetic this evening (maybe due to a sluggish Sunday).  So I drove to see a field of 145,000 sunflowers (not exaggerating),


so amazing..this was the first time this farmer (Jerry Boone) planted them. He plans to harvest the seeds and sell them. I even bought a few flowers.

visited a new preserve, then a friend who lived nearby

not too impressive…the trail was very short

and two more preserves that I’ve visited before- Holt and Hollyhock Hollow.

Holt Preserve. I still need to go back when I have more time and do all the trails here… as you can see the sun was starting to set.

I walked along the creek at HollyHock Hollow….so so dry… didn’t stay long as it was getting dark.

  • Tuesday – Finally some rain. We did need it. I was glad it was a rest day. In the morning, I just grabbed my umbrella and headed out. The walk didn’t last long as it was raining so hard that I was getting soaked even with an umbrella. Well’ at least my garden was happy. I was hoping that it would let up by lunch or at least by dinner.

I tried once more when the rain let up but again it didn’t last before it started to monsoon. One last try since thunderstorms were predicted for the afternoon and high winds for the evening.

stayed out longer than the first 2 attempts since it was raining hard but tolerable…even the sunflowers were sad 😦

After work, I decided that the only way to get in some dry steps was to head to the mall. Yes, the mall is open.  I wore my mask and didn’t do any shopping (What do I need??)

  • Wednesday – Storm over.  I got in a quick walk before work.

sun is back out but the sunflowers do look sad.

I rushed out to get in my run during lunch.  I only had time to do it in my neighborhood and actually ran in a neighboring development for a change. This run was not one for the record books…my lower back really ached (always something). I wondered why. Was it sitting too much? Nope, I am always at the computer. My shoes? Same as for my 10 miler (though they are getting worn.) Then I remembered the walk in the mall the evening before.  Hard floors!! So I just took it down a notch and walked when I needed to… Got it done!!

I wish the front of my house looked this pretty.

After work, I met my running friends for our weekly trail walk.  We re-visited Five Fivers (where last time we saw the mama turtle lay her eggs). We saw a deer and some cicada killer bees and covered around 3 miles while chatting.

On my way home, I decided to re-visit HollyHock Hollow Preserve. I thought it may look very different from Monday after Tuesday’s tropical storm rains.

it sure did and I’m glad I stopped by for a walk

  • Thursday – I was debating on whether to run before or after work.  I decided on after so I could drive and run somewhere different.

preparing for fall, I guess?

So there were walks before work and during lunch.

keeping with the vegetable theme…a squash flower

I decided to run at UAlbany after work since I hadn’t been there in ages.

ran around the lake since the path was shortened due to Covid testing and discovered a new path.

I followed it with a quick trip to Bozenkill Preserve.

no I didn’t see a bear but the sign did make me nervous…the creek was much more active than last week…worth the visit.

  • Friday – Rest Day Friday. As usual. A Rainy Day.

Champ’s rest day…this cat can get comfortable for hours in the most amazing positions.

I did my morning walk near by office since I had to pick something up. I was able to get it done in between raindrops.

My lunch walk on the trails too. The rain had stopped which was convenient.

a little muddy but nice to get out of the neighborhood for a change

And after work, I met my former co-workers on the rail trail as I did last Friday evening. Thunderstorms were predicted but we lucked out. Nothing but humidity. 7 miles and one bag of chocolate cherry gourmet popcorn.

this food truck was stationed along the trail…we couldn’t resist.

  • SaturdayLONG RUN DAY.  We found out that one of our favorite brunch places does take-out and there’s a place outside to gather. So the Nisky bike path was where we did our runs/walks.  I arrived early and ran a few miles with Alyssa and Karen.  They were too fast so I ran heart rate intervals for the rest of my miles with Jan.  11 miles done in God awful humidity.  Met with with everyone else after for a delicious outdoor brunch (raspberry lemonade French toast).

the best part of this run was NO foot pain wearing my NEW Magnify Topos shoes!!

  • Sunday – Boating on Lake George. Another beautiful weather day and we invited two friends to spend the day with us.

We relaxed, chatted, swam, ate and took a LONG walk on the trail.  Perfect!!

This Coming Week – 

  • Monday –run 
  • Tuesday –  rest day
  • Wednesday –  run, trail walk
  • Thursday – run
  • Friday – rest day
  • Saturday – LONG RUN 
  • Sunday – rest day, boating

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Happy Running! How is your running going? How are you surviving the summer heat?  Please share.

22 thoughts on “Weekly Run Down for 8.3.20-8.9.20: A SUNFlowery Week with Some Needed Rain

  1. Oh, wow, those sunflowers are gorgeous! And the others too, but I really love sunflowers. I would not be able to resist a food truck along a running path either — but I’d have to be able to pay with my iPhone since I don’t usually carry $$.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We’ve been lucky with Sunday weather.

      Im going to miss these flowers come fall but then there’ll be fall foliage.

      Sunflowers are my favorite!!


  2. The sunflowers were amazing. We visited parks in Berne & they were really nice (that’s where the covered bridge was too).

    Tuesday was definitely a washout not even a dog walk. Although I got my steps in inside. Thank you Garmin for reminding me when I’ve been sitting too long.


      • We started at Fox Creek park (not too exciting really, but we didn’t explore much) and that connected to Lily Pond Park, which was much prettier — the bridge is near there. I don’t know if the trails go very far, really, but it seems like there’s a fair amount of them & they’re not hard. I think some day we’ll go back. Maybe in the fall.


  3. If nothing else good comes out of the pandemic, it is the time we have been spending in nature! It is just therapeutic, isn’t it? Will you keep running trails when (ok, if) things go back to normal?


  4. I’m in the same boat with “never miss a Monday”, I’m totally willing to miss all of the Mondays but since I do my long run on Saturday and rest on Sunday it’s a very convenient day to work out. Thanks for the sunflowers! And the pumpkin, it’s not too soon.


  5. I love all those sunflowers!!! I just found out there’s a sunflower field about 20 miles away. I’m hoping to get there before all the flowers are done blooming. I enjoy walking in light rain (with a good umbrella), but definitely not heavy rain.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sometimes the rain is welcome…like today (but of course it stayed dry).
      Yes, I hope to you do get to visit the sunflowers. I want to go back but don’t know if I’ll have time.


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