Pandemic Inspired Goal

Since it’s Tuesday, I’m joining the link-up organized by Zenaida and Kim (Kooky Runner)

My Topic today is: My New Goal (inspired by the pandemic)

If you read my blog, you may remember that my goal for 2020 was to run ONE half marathon EACH MONTH.

I even signed up for 7 out 12 races before the year even began.

First there was the foot injury and so I limped through January and February’s.

Then this pandemic!! My March’s was cancelled and April and May’s have been postponed. I have already run two uninspired virtual ones with many more to come, I’m sure.

I am not sure at this point if any of my half marathons this year will be real ones.

So onto a new goal.

Visit ALL the LOCAL 25 NEW NATURE TRAILS. (I realize that ALL is a little vague.  So is the word “local.”  I am going to change it to 25 as my goal.)

There are 18 nature preserves just in my local area.  So I far I have visited 7.

In addition to these preserves, there are many parks with trails, arboretums, and nature sanctuaries.  Plenty to keep me busy. I have visited 6 already.

So why is this goal and why visit these areas now?

  • They are free.
  • They are scenic.
  • They have varied terrain.
  • They are well marked and maintained.
  • You can walk them.
  • The trails are looped and of varying distances.
  • You can go when sunny, windy or even rainy.
  • NO ONE ELSE is there!!

Yes, I feel safe and wear a mask (actually a buff). I have barely run into a person (and if so, they are surprised and polite and friendly.)

But of course, many of you would not feel comfortable with this goal.  I am not being critical of anyone who is self isolating.

You can follow my progress with this new goal and view the gazmillion pics through my IG posts (@dsc59).

I’m  also linking up here:

Formerly the Running Coaches’ Corner, it’s back with new co-hosts Coach Debbie RunsRunning on HappyConfessions of a Mother RunnerMile by MileRuns with Pugs, and Fauxrunner.

Happy Running! Anyone else getting outdoors more now? Have you changed your original 2020 running/fitness goal? Please share. 

26 thoughts on “Pandemic Inspired Goal

  1. I’m also running the trails at my local preserve and enjoying it. There are many others locally but I haven’t visited them yet. As I start training for my fall trail race–I hope it happens-I will head out to run some of those.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Isn’t it nice to discover new places and get out of the house.

      I am not running on them right now. They are very muddy but maybe this summer I will.


  2. It’s always good to have goals, and to be adaptable. Getting into nature is always a good thing too.

    It’s not the same thing, but I’m hoping maybe it’ll warm up enough so I can do some Yoga on my deck again this afternoon. I need that Vit D!


    • Prefer my other goal and I may still be running one half each month but all virtually. This new goal is a lot easier and more relaxing.


  3. You are lucky to have so many trails close by. I have city streets, and I have run on every one of them LOL Barb and I are starting to venture out on some of the county roads on the outskirts of town…those are mostly gravel, and hilly, so a nice change of terrain (sort of).

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am very lucky and before the pandemic I never thought to explore them. I haven’t run on them…right now they are somewhat muddy and the loops are at most one mile. I prefer to just relax and take in nature. Especially since I am stuck indoors everyday. Finding places to run is still a challenge but I am not afraid to leave the neighborhood.


  4. That’s a great goal!! It’s nice that you still have some hidden gems. Everywhere I tried to think of us going was crowded with people. How long do you think it’ll take you to meet your goal?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I should be a number on it. There are so many that are even within an hour. I hope to continue exploring them even when this is over, But once I drive to work and travel for work there will be less time.


  5. Glad you found something that you can work towards and that you are enjoying! Its hard not knowing when we can race again. It will be nice to be able to spend time outside exploring new places.


  6. I love your new goal! You live at a beautiful place. Mohawk’Hudson was one marathon that has long been on my list. I might be done with marathons for the time being but I think they have a half there too? Maybe someday!


    • They do…the course is not that pretty though (at least the middle is not). I recommend the Adirondack Half on Schroon Lake in the fall. It’s further drive but nicer.

      I may be one and done with marathons…but you never know.


  7. I love this. What a great way to see so much beauty.

    My big goals were to run my comeback 5K (rescheduled for September so that’s a go) and a half marathon in Memphis in December. I’m not entirely sure I’m on for that, if it takes place. I may switch it up for a local half, just because I’m not sure how the travel aspect will work out, but i am also comfortable playing it by ear.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I think that this is an amazing goal! I think focusing on doing something positive and new during this time is great.

    I wish that I had trails nearby. I don’t know if I would run on them but I would definitely walk and hike there if possible.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Wow, that many nature preserves! I don’t even know how many are close to me. I guess I can find out. I like your goal. One of my goals this year was to PR in various race distances. I only ran 1 race this year and who knows if there will be any for the rest of the year. I guess that being the case I can train this year so I can achieve my goal next year. I am very late in responding. Thanks for linking up with us!

    Liked by 1 person

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