Runfessions for December

It’s that time again. Time to get things off my chest with Marcia’s Runfessions at Marcia’s Healthy Slice

Can they be called RUNfessions if I didn’t run??


1. I runfess…

When I was working in NYC, I did not RUN due to a sore foot, but I did WALK…

I mean it was NYC during the holidays… I wanted to see the decorations…. Did I interfere with the healing of my foot???

Should I have just stayed in my hotel? 

2. I runfess…

I did not run one of my favorite (fun) races but I went anyway. I dressed up as if to race and even kept the race shirt.

And yes, I admit, I had serious FOMO.

Anyone else not race but go to cheer on their friends anyway?

3.I runfess…

I was hoping that the podiatrist would see a stress fracture on the xray.

At least then, you rest, it heals and you run again.

But seeing nothing and recommending rest does not make you feel satisfied.

Anyone else ever have one of those frustrating undiagnosed injuries?

4. I runfess…

Even though I was not running and didn’t know when I would run again, I still shopped for running-related items? Not sure why?

Anyone else buy running gear while they were injured?

5.I runfess…

My 2020 goal was 12 half marathons in 12 months. Well, that will not happen…but I’m having a hard time planning my running comeback.  (Yes, there will be one).

I may DNS the January Half in NYC but should I also downgrade the February one (in Bermuda) to a 10k or just slog it.

Image result for zooma bermuda"

Anyone else impatient when coming back from an injury?

It’s Friday so I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five linkup! Join in! Don’t forget to link back to your hostess and visit some other bloggers.

Happy Running! Anything to runfess this month? Please share.


26 thoughts on “Runfessions for December

  1. Yes you should always buy running stuff ( I am a terrible influence in that area!). It sure is frustrating I agree. We will both have comebacks they just may not happen as quickly as we would like. Hang in there girl!


  2. I for one am glad you do not have a sfx, however I totally get how frustrating it is to have whatever’s going on be a mystery. So sorry it is causing you to cancel and potentially pull back on some of your races. Thanks for linking!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The answer to most of those questions is only time will tell. 12 halfs was a very ambitious goal,hopefully you hadn’t already signed up for all of them! I am not signed up for a single half in 2020. Wait & see just works a whole lot better for me in general.


  4. I’m definitely impatient when I’m injured! I’m sorry your mystery injury is lingering. Maybe all the walking didn’t help but I’d probably say it was worth it. There is nothing like NYC around Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I so feel you on 5. I’m still planning on that Half, but will drop to the 10K or even just the lighthouse if needed. We’re going to have fun no matter what. We both should have stayed off our legs than chasing christmas lights, but we didn’t listen. I needed them to de-grinch more than I needed the rest.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I hope your foot recovers quickly and you don’t have to downgrade your Bermuda half to a 10K, but at least that’s an option.

    Yes, I can be impatient, but I’ve learned that listening to my body gets me back to running regularly the quickest.

    Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Coming back from injury is frustrating (especially when that “injury” doesn’t really have a diagnosis). Hang in there… your attitude is great 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Is “impatieneset” a word? Because OMG I am so impatient.

    I would have absolutely walked around NYC to see all the lights and decorations, foot be darned. I don’t think I could have missed that.

    I would just see how you’re feeling for Bermuda. It’s too soon to make any big decisions.

    Are you going to get an MRI or just rest and see what happens?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I’m sorry you’ve still been dealing with issues with your foot and I know how frustrating it can be when the healing process is so slow. I’m sure your walking in NYC didn’t cause any harm. I hope you’ll be able to run in Bermuda…I have serious FOMO about that one!

    Liked by 1 person

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