Weekly Run Down for 12.23.19-12.29.19: Holiday Week

Christmas and Chanukah…nice when they both fall during the same week … since I celebrate both holidays LOL

and I have two cats

And yes, I have been running. Yes, my foot still hurts but not worse and it was better than sitting on my butt eating holiday treats.

Last Week –

  • Monday – Finally a warmish sunny day but of course, it was a Rest Day.  A long awaited chiropractor appointment.  I was on only maintenance so I do not visit her often but I was interested in what she could do with my sore foot. She did some work but agreed with me that it may be a neuroma and then I would need an MRI. Afterward I headed to the gym for an hour on the bike.

my exciting view

  • Tuesday – Christmas Eve run…what else? Since I DNSed on the Last Run 5k through the lights in the park, I decided to run it on my own. The lights go on before they allow cars in…just enough time for me.

  • Wednesday – Day Off and I started it with a run… I knew I would be eating a lot later in the day and not able to run the following two days. Since it was daylight, I decided to see if the Corning Bike Path was clear…

and it was…

The run was followed by a big dinner with the family.

  • Thursday – Rest Day. Re-scheduled BFF birthday celebration. First we had dinner.

salmon topped latkes – yum!

And then we went to the movies.

one of my favorite childhood books

  • Friday – Another rest day as I had to rush home because I was hosting mah jongg at my home.
  • Saturday – Long run scheduled with the Sole Sisters. As usual, we all ran different distances but met afterward for brunch.

Rose Marie & I were French teachers at the same time…nice to reminisce. Helped keep my mind off my foot pain. Again bearable and got better the longer I ran.

Evening holiday tennis party. Lots of eating, gift giving, singing and laughing.

  • Sunday – With the upcoming weather forecast for the next few days, I considered another run but I didn’t want to press my luck with the foot so I rode the bike at the gym instead.

free gym…getting more use than usual

And then I went to a local museum.

I’ve been Hamilton-obsessed lately. This exhibit on the Schuyler sisters (the family spent a lot of time in Albany, NY) ended today. I also passed by the Schuyler mansion where they lived on my way to errands.

This Coming Week – 

  • Monday – run 
  • Tuesday –  rest day
  • Wednesday – Winter Series #2 race (3.5 miles)
  • Thursday – run
  • Friday – rest day, mah jongg
  • Saturday – long run with Sole Sisters (8 miles), yoga
  • Sunday – rest day

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I encourage you to do the same. Grab the graphic, drop your link on the host blogs and play along! Please be sure to always comment on the HOST’s blogs, as well as visit and comment on as many other blogs as you can.

Happy Running! How is your running going? What’s new with you? How did you spend your holiday? Have you seen Hamilton? Do you sometimes have to ignore injuries and run anyway? Please share.

31 thoughts on “Weekly Run Down for 12.23.19-12.29.19: Holiday Week

  1. That exhibit sounds really cool!

    I thought I had Morton’s neuroma on my foot once…It was an aggravation from wearing high heels. No more heels (or very rarely) for me! I didn’t get an MRI, but did a ton of rolling on a golf ball, icing, and new inserts in my shoes. Fingers crossed yours heals up quickly!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I see the dr on Friday. I want a MRI because I want a real diagnosis. I enjoyed the movie. Some people did not like that it went back and forth in time. I also thought the acting was terrific.


  2. Wow, six miles…sounds like the foot is doing better. I’ve had weird aches (?) or issues that didn’t hurt while running but felt more aggravated by walking. I had a thing going on with the “bunion” area of my left foot recently…hurt while walking barefoot, but nothing when I was running. Glad that was short-lived LOL


    • Well, it’s not pain-free but definitely feels better since I ran those 6 miles…go figure. I’m pretty sure it’s a neuroma caused by the bunion and tight shoes. Hopefully I can manage the pain and keep increasing my distance.


  3. It’s tricky, but there are situations where something hurts but running isn’t going to make it worse, so might as well run. I think we all know our bodies and know when to run and when not to run. I hope your foot gets better soon.


  4. Sounds like a fun week! That’s great that you were able to do your own run through the lights and they turn them on before cars can get in. I really want to see that Little Women movie, I’ve been hearing good things about it. And how cool that you got to see that exhibit on the Schuyler Sisters! I

    Liked by 1 person

  5. That Schuyler sisters exhibit looks amazing! I LOVE Hamilton. We saw the show in NYC for my 40th birthday and it was everything. We have tickets for all three of us to go in March to our theater here and while it won’t be the same experience, I can’t wait. I’m such a theater junkie.

    My friend suffers from a neuroma and it’s definitely a challenging one. I hope you can get a handle on it and get back to your pain free running soon ❤

    We didn't get to go to my parents' for Hanukkah this year. It's been a screwy holiday season all around.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. you had a good, fun holiday week Darlene! I hope to G-d you don’t have a neuroma though – definitely get that MRI. They can’t see it that well with only an ultrasound and it took forever for me to get a clear diagnosis because they kept putting off the MRI.


  7. Your Christmas lights run through the park on Christmas Eve sounds so nice (and peaceful without the cars). It sounds like you had a great week of fitness despite your foot pain. I know how boring it is to ride a stationary bike, but it’s a smart move when we can’t run as much. I’m there now…

    Have a great weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

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