Friday Five 2.0 – Pampering

Since it’s Friday, I’m linking up with Running on Happy & Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five 2.0 linkup! Join in! Don’t forget to link back to your hostesses and visit some other bloggers.

Today’s topic is Pampering.

I don’t get massages or pedicures like many runners do but here’s how I spend money pamper myself or make myself feel good.

1. Hair

Every 5 weeks without fail, I cut and color my hair.  I also get highlights once a year.

no, I will NEVER let my gray hair show

2. Nails

I also have my fingernails done about as frequently as my hair.  Always a French manicure (so it doesn’t show if I let it go.) I also always have my toes polished (a dark color) but I do them myself.

I mean my nails have to look good when I take pics of my medals LOL

you see why I don’t waste money on these pretty babies

3. Starbucks

I don’t buy them as often as I used to but I do indulge every now and then. They just taste so good!

4. Drinks and Dinners Out

I’m not a homebody and when a friend or my hubby suggests going out for a drink or a bite to eat, I never hesitate to accept the invitation.

5. Ice Cream

Ice cream cones, root beer floats, whatever.  They get me through many of my long runs. I don’t feel a bit guilty about the calories.

Happy Running! How do you pamper yourself?  Do you get the runner traditional massage and pedicure?

11 thoughts on “Friday Five 2.0 – Pampering

  1. Nail polish remover just destroys my nails. I can do polish for about a month & then they just start chipping all over the place. I like manicures, but the last time I had one I actually didn’t think she did a great job . . . I just like the hand massage. And I can get that with a massage. 🙂


  2. I’m too embarrassed to go get a pedicure right now since I’m currently sporting only the tiniest bit of toenail on one toe, thanks to the Houston half marathon in January. Side note: how long does it take for toenails to grow back?? But I am all for pampering with my hair appointments, and lately I’ve been loving sugar scrubs in the shower – they revive my skin!


  3. I can’t see well enough to paint my own toenails, so I do get pedicures regularly. Manicures seem to trash my nails, so I do those myself. Yes to massages and Starbucks and dinner out with friends too!


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