Ultimate Coffee Date – January

Confessions of a Mother Runner

Since today is the first Saturday in January, I am joining up with Coco & Deborah for their ultimate coffee date.

Over coffee or tea…

I’d tell you that I’m over my Starbucks addiction.  Well, not quite but it’s cold and I haven’t been walking much at lunch. Instead, I just use the Keurig at work to get my fix.  No stars, though 😦

my shelf at work

Over coffee and tea…

I’d tell you that I am enjoying not stressing out about long runs.  With my half marathon being March 5, I don’t have to run double digits until February. Yay!


6 is the max that I run on these cold weekends

Over coffee and tea…

I’d tell you that I feel lucky that we do have local races and that they are free. You know how I much I love to race. There’s a 10k next weekend.


Over coffee and tea…

I’d tell you that the ice and snow limits my places to run.  I am getting bored.  Wouldn’t it be nice if someone shoveled all the bike paths so I don’t have to run in circles around UAlbany.


this loop is getting old

Over coffee and tea…

I’d tell you that I already registered for 3 destination Half Marathons for 2017 – Florida, NYC & Corning.  The last two will be with other runners.  I ran 7 halfs in 2016.  So I am still looking for at least 2 more. Any suggestions?

wine + 13.1 = fun girls weekend

Over coffee and tea…

I’d tell you that I feel a little guilty that I’ve haven’t set any goals or resolutions for 2017.  It’s not that it is depressing when I don’t meet or keep them. It’s just that I never look at them until the end of the year. So why bother?

But if I had to, it would be to:

lose weight, eat healthier, drink more water, work out, do planks, go to a yoga class, stretch after running, clean out my closets, read more books, spend less time on phone/computer.

There you go. Those are things that I will probably ignore until the end of the year. LOL

Happy Running! Got anything to spill?


24 thoughts on “Ultimate Coffee Date – January

  1. Funny! Love your resolutions that you won’t look at until the end of the year! In 2013, I did 13 half marathons. I did most of them local but went out of state for a couple. This year I’ll just be doing the Indy Mini. Knee arthritis is making me adjust my mileage. More 5Ks this year!


  2. It’s snowing here in Philly and now that I live in a new neighborhood, I’m nervous that my running routes will be limited by the snow and ice…

    Resolutions can be great but I don’t think they should be made “just because”, you know!

    Your races sound great! I’m still looking for a race for April/early May!


  3. Haha! I didn’t get around to setting resolutions either for the EXACT same reason! After reading some of the posts in the linkup, I think I’m going to choose a word instead. I’m going with consistency.

    I hate winter too. It’s been brutally cold here (-14 yesterday) so I wimped out and am on the treadmill most days — I think your loop would be less boring than that! 🙂


  4. You could tackle a few of these goals like mini-challenges. That’s what I’d like to work on. More short term goals. weekly or even a month at a time. I get bogged down with looking at the big picture. I set a mileage goal this year so we will see how well I do with planning and seeing where I am on this one.


  5. It seems like everyone is resolutioned-out this year. I see so many people saying they’re skipping them in 2017! Destination races are something I’ve only recently started getting into. Local races are just so much more convenient… but destination races always seem more fun!


  6. I almost signed up for the Corning marathon and then didn’t- Is is fun? I would love to sign up for it since my family is relatively close by for a visit! I am trying to get my head around running in the cold…and it is a challenge for sure!


  7. Those sound like three fun destination races …the Wineglass one looks like it is run through some beautiful scenery!! I’m really much more of a local race runner but I really should broaden my horizons and plan a destination race or two! Keep talking ..you’re inspiring me! 🙂


  8. Haha! Love your attitude about resolutions for the year. 🙂 When I set them, I actually do tend to follow-through on them. But I do try to make the fun and manageable, not too general.

    I love Starbucks, and can pretty easily get sucked into whatever challenge they throw at me. lol


  9. LOL on your goals. I fell in love with hot yoga last winter – maybe you should try it for realz. I have a Costco-sized case of Starbucks K-cups at work, but I still go to Starbucks — but it’s in right in the building next door. I am trying to add new races to my calendar this year. Right now I’m eyeing the Denver Colfax Half or 10M.


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