Wednesday Word: Captivate

Deb Runs

Every Wednesday, the Deb from Deb Runs will be providing a word about which to blog. Kind of like a nice little blog prompt. Posts can be fitness or health related, but don’t have to be, so really anyone can play along. Just be sure to link up with InLinkz on Deb’s main post, and share the love by reading and commenting on other’s participant’s posts.

Today’s word is captivate or to attract and hold the interest and attention of.

So how’s does running captivate me?

  • Those places I have seen.

the trails in Palm Desert, CA

the shores of the Atlantic in Palm Beach FL

the boardwalk in Asbury Park, NJ

These captivating locales would not have been seen by me if I wasn’t a runner.

  • The bling.




Medals and prizes. These captivating objects also have come into my possession only due to running.

  • The people whom I have met.

running and chatting with Joan Benoit Samuelson

local and not so local bloggers

getting my bib signed by Frank Shorter

these amazing STEM volunteer runners

All captivating. Some famous. Some not. If I had not been a runner, I would not have made their acquaintance.

  • Accomplishments

finishing a heat cancelled half.

completing 13.1 miles after serious ankle surgery

Half in Naples, Florida

My first HALF!!

I have done things that I never thought possible. Running has given me a sense of purpose, a feeling of self-confidence

and has CAPTIVATED me.

Happy Running!  How has running or something else captivated you?


8 thoughts on “Wednesday Word: Captivate

  1. First of all, you look amazing in all of these photos and I surely hope I look this fit when I’m your age! Secondly, I love how running has captivated you and I definitely share that sentiment. It also is a tie between my father and I, which makes it more captivating for me.


  2. Gosh…ditto to all the above!! Running has captivated me because I was (actually, still am) a klutzy kid…no grace, no coordination, and ZERO speed. I never had anyone encourage me to try distance running (probably because back in those days all the glory went to the fast & agile people). My gym teachers were anything but nice to me, and every sport I attempted to do usually had me sitting on the bench. The fact that I have run half marathons, full marathons and a couple of ultras (and probably millions of miles in training) still has me shaking my head in disbelief, but also smiling at what I’ve been able to accomplish. Great post…It’s awesome to see a tiny glimpse of all you have accomplished 😉


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