FFF: 5 Tips for Running Your First Marathon

Today’s Topic is: Five Tips for Running Your First Marathon

1.Start with a Base

IOW, even if you are not racing, run at least 6 miles on the weekend before you start training for the marathon.

2. Follow a Training Plan

There are many free ones that you can download.  Most are 16-18 weeks long.

I loosely followed a beginner Hal Higdon plan.

2. Be Flexible With Your Training.

Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a run.

I was traveling for work while training for my first.  It was nearly impossible to do those mid-week long runs.

not 10!!

Add in a race or two to relieve the boredom of those long long runs.

3. Recruit friends to share some of your training runs.

Misery loves company?

Long runs are always easier if you are not alone.

4. Forget the Time Goal.

Finishing 26.2 miles is an achievement.

You can try to improve your finish time on a subsequent marathon.

5. Have fun!

This is the most important tip.

It’s going to be hard. You will struggle (especially the last 6 miles)

Enjoy the scenery and the fans and the challenge…

Don’t forget to celebrate after the race.

Happy Running! What would you add? Please share.







It’s Friday so I’m also linking up with bloggers, Me (My First 5K and More), Running With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and The Running Teacher!

So Join in!

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