The Healing Power of Running: A Guide to Healing the Body, Mind, and Spirit Book Review

Provided in the e-mail invitation to review this book:
Jennifer Bonn, the author, has completed many ultra-marathons and is beloved by readers of her columns in such publications as Trail Runner, The Running Journal, The Cross-Country Journal, and Georgia Runner.
In this book, she provides detailed case studies on how running has healed many of the people she’s met on her personal journey.
Jennifer Bonn describes how running saved her mentally, physically and spiritually, and she has put together stories of other runners as a testament to how running heals. Jennifer also wants readers to realize how accessible running is, and that everyone can adjust it to fit different goals and needs. Running can make you feel powerful, peaceful and hopeful, and the running community makes everyone feel accepted. The book also includes instructions on how to start a healing journey through running.
I was definitely, as a runner, intrigued by the title and looked forward to reading this book.
I truly believe that running can be for everyone and that it can change your life.  I know it did mine and continues to make my life better.
I also looked up her bio on Goodreads:
I am passionate about running, writing, reading, good food, anything French, and my family…I just retired from teaching…. I am fluent in French, a little less fluent in Spanish, but I can manage.
Wait a minute, she is my alter-ego. (In case you didn’t know, I was a French teacher for 22 years and also taught Spanish for a year.) She even has TWO cats!!
But back to the book:
This was a very fast read.  I read it in one sitting.
As someone who has been running for awhile, I didn’t learned anything new but it reaffirmed what I already believed. Running is empowering, creates a bond with others and can heal you both mentally and physically.
As I read, I found myself saying Yes! Yes! Yes!
My biggest takeaway was that as you age, your running changes.  Finish times are no longer as important as is the ability to continue running. It may have once been the important thing in your life but now it’s just one thing that you can enjoy.
I enjoyed her stories about real-life runners and how they dealt with challenges and successes.
I would highly recommend Jenn’s book to anyone who has considered running.  I bet after they are done reading it, they will anxious to don a pair of running shoes. (Chapter 12 will give runners tips on how to start.)

Happy Running! Have you read this book? What is your favorite running-related book? Please share.







Since today is Tuesday, I’m linking up with Zenaida (The Running Teacher) and Jenn (Runs with Pugs).

and tomorrow:

with co-hosts Coach Debbie RunsConfessions of a Mother RunnerMile by Mile, and Runs with Pugs

16 thoughts on “The Healing Power of Running: A Guide to Healing the Body, Mind, and Spirit Book Review

  1. Sounds like a great book! I love this “Finish times are no longer as important as is the ability to continue running. It may have once been the important thing in your life but now it’s just one thing that you can enjoy.” 

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes, I’m pretty sure I would agree with everything in this book. I wish more non-runners would read it and get inspired. People don’t realize that almost anyone can run (of course, barring some real but rare physical limitations.) You don’t have to be fast, or run marathons (unless you want to…) Can you imagine a world where everyone was a runner?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I can honestly say I don’t know how I would have survived my mum’s sudden passing if it hadn’t been for running. I wish more people realised just how powerful running is – yes, it comes with so many physical benefits but the mental benefits are beyond anything I ever expected. Also, grateful for the running community.

    Liked by 1 person

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