Weekly Run Down for 11.19.23-11.26.23: Turkey Trotting

It was Thanksgiving week so of course, I ran a Turkey Trot.

It was my first race since the marathon so I was nervous about how it would go.

Last Week –

  • Sunday – Another race FOMO day – I’ve run the Upstate Classic all 3 years it has been held.

But I took my mind off of it with a gym visit followed by a short hike.

And then in the evening, my mah jongg friends and I celebrated 15 years of playing together.

unfortunately quite a few could not attend.

  • Monday – Back to my regularly scheduled 3 weekday runs and one long run on the weekend.

If I can, I try to run at lunch (however often, I am working so I have to either run early or in the dark after work)

Today I had time at lunch.

a little chilly but the sun made it feel like a perfect running day

  • Tuesday – Rain in the forecast so I was hoping to get my run in…

I’m still a wimp about running early on these cold mornings (12 degrees, ouch) so I went to the gym instead and then later I ran in the ‘hood.

Brrr…. so cold and nasty and then it started to sleet.

I did some errands and then that evening we had our first snowfall.

the rain the next day melted most of it…

  • Wednesday – Rest day from running so I again hit the gym before work.

It rained most of the day so finally weather-wise, things worked out on my running schedule.

I didn’t have to prepare anything for the Thanksgiving so I went for a walk after work (indoors) and got my #flatmeready for the next day’s race.

same as last year except for the gloves…

  • Thursday – Troy Turkey Trot 10k for the 8th time.

It was warmer than I dressed for and I ran my slowest ever 10k but still came in 3rd in my age group.

As always, I’m glad I signed up and got to hang out with my racing friends.

Afterward, we went to my MIL’s for a family dinner.  No cooking by anyone. She ordered it all from Whole Foods. No complaints since it’s not about eating delicious food (cuz it wasn’t), it’s about family time.

98 years between these two

Thanks to Kim and Cari for coordinating our bloggers who were trotters too collage:

  • Friday – Another rest day and morning at the gym.

he’s very annoying and naughty so luckily he’s cute…

And then there was, as usual, mah jongg in the evening.

  • Saturday – Long Run! 8 miles on my plan (preparing for an upcoming 15k race.)

One of my running friends who is in Florida for the winter was in town so it was fun to run and brunch with her again.

In the evening, the hubby and I went out to dinner to hear a band (Monkberry) I had raved about from after a half marathon I ran back in September.

who is this lady? She was on a bus trip (and got very drunk) and started to talk to me. It turned out that we went to the same high school on Long Island (which is a VERY weird coincidence.)

  • Sunday – Another gym morning with no set plans for the day. Maybe some decorating..

This Coming Week on the Run – 

  • Monday –  AM run, DAY OFF, hike help a friend move
  • Tuesday – GYM, rest day, walk with BFF
  • Wednesday -run, dinner out with the tennis ladies
  • Thursday – run
  • Friday –  GYM, rest day, mah jongg (chez moi)
  • SaturdayLong Run (9 miles)
  • Sunday – GYM, hike, start to pack for my trip

This Coming Week on the Blog – 

  • Tuesday – Troy Turkey Trot 10K Recap
  • Friday – Ultimate Coffee Date

Happy Running! How is your year of running so far? Training for any big or small races this fall?  How’s the weather where you live? Did you run a Turkey Trot? Please share.






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24 thoughts on “Weekly Run Down for 11.19.23-11.26.23: Turkey Trotting

  1. So not only did we wear the same shirt for our TT, but our blog post titles are matching as well, lol. Sorry (and surprised!) to hear your Thanksgiving dinner from WF was not good. For so many people it’s all about the food!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Definitely not complaining about weather since we know what’s coming.

      I love the Troy race since it’s early enough so you could run it and cook or travel but it’s more than a 5k. Gotta burn off those calories lol

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow on the snow! I’d opt for the tread in that weather for sure.

    LOL on the catered meal not being the best. We did that the first year I was in law school (because exams were the week after TG) and yeah, we never did it again!

    Congrats on the Turkey Trot!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I woke up to the first snowfall of the season. It does look pretty, but ugh. I’m just not excited for cold weather running on compromised surfaces, LOL. I’m glad we have sunshine since most of the streets (and the driveway) are already looking pretty clear.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh no on snow. I haven’t checked our weather yet.

      I’d rather cook but it’s not decision.

      Let me know if you come visit your old stomping grounds and we can meet up.


  4. Eek! 12 degrees??? Fahrenheit??? That sounds brutal.
    Congrats on your AG award (once again!)
    I’m kind of surprised the WF dinner wasn’t good. Sometimes my husband will suggest getting some sides from them, but now we won’t. I’ll take your word for it.
    HEATHER! So so cute and I love her shirt. And your cat looks very innocent and lovable (ha ha…)

    Liked by 1 person

    • LOL only 3 in my AG.

      It was reheated and over cooked and basically tasteless. Plus no sweet potatoes or pumpkin pie.

      My cat is far from innocent but yes Heather is the BEST.


  5. That IS a weird coincidence that you ran into an old schoolmate. Yes, we Turkey Trotted. The weather is weird here – kinda cold, kinda dreary, kinda humid, kinda not my thing. Give me sun and cold, please!

    Love that you had wonderful family time for the holiday!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving with family, and I’m happy to hear you did the Turkey trot 10k! But a big eeew about the snow and cold temps! I will never be able to say anything positive about snow. We’ve had decent weather lately with quite a lot of sun and good enough temperatures.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Your first snow, wow! We’re supposed to have a snowier than usual winter this year. We’ll see…

    What a wonderful picture of your m-i-l and Baby Heather! It sounds like you had a wonderful family filled Thanksgiving.

    Liked by 1 person

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