Weekly Run Down for 11.4.19-11.10.19: Recovery Week

Post-race let down?

Nope, still savoring the moment.

Can’t believe that I actually ran the NYC Marathon!!

Last Week –

  • Monday  – A busy recovery day in NYC. I got up early, had breakfast in the hotel. Then I had an appt. at RECOVER, followed by Lacey and I climbing the Vessel to take a picture with ours medals (what else?) Afterward we met Cari for a post race recovery lunch – Mazoh Ball soup and lox. Cari & I walked Lacey to the train and then took the subway to Jack Rabbit for more recovery and freebies before we separated. She took the subway back to her apt and I to Penn Station to catch my train home.

Loved the Normatec boots (did them twice)..and we talked the attendant in letting us take the ADA elevator down (had to hide our medals lol)

  • Tuesday – Back home and at work. Still recovering but I had signed up for a yoga class (Cat Yoga) because I had taken it before (and it was fun) and I wanted to support my friend Judy who was teaching it as her first class.

I was a little stiff, of course, but enjoyed the cute kitties (and didn’t come home with another cat…this time.)

  • Wednesday – Still in supposed recovery mode though tempted to run. Good thing I had a chiro appt. She was surprised at how fast I bounced back. Not much for her to do. Lol.
  • Thursday – Ok, enough rest. I wanted to take the post marathon legs out for a short run. But rain/snow thwarted that idea. Instead I went out to celebrate.
  • Friday – I planned to get up early and run but 20 degrees. Yikes.  Instead after work, I ran a loop at Ualbany and rushed home as I had to clean my house since I was hosting mah jongg.

cold & windy so I ran fast

My friends brought me delicious cupcakes to celebrate my marathon and I won several times. Good times.

  • Saturday – Resting again due to a race the next day. Instead of a run, I went for a walk with my running friends, had brunch and then went on errands and to pick up my bib.

too cold & windy to walk the whole 4 miles so Sherry & I ran the last mile

  • Sunday – In a moment of insanity, I signed up for a local 15k race a week after my first full marathon. I didn’t know how it would go but I decided to do it since I love this race and what’s 9.3 miles compared to 26.2? Well, my legs weren’t as recovered as I thought so I took it slow and ran/walked it.  Bumped into a lot of runners that I knew and even ran most of the race with someone.

don’t have to run fast to enjoy a race… over 6 minutes slower than last year & I don’t care 🙂

This Coming Week – 

  • Monday – DAY OFF – run/walk
  • Tuesday –  run
  • Wednesday – run
  • Thursday – rest day, dinner with tennis friends
  • Friday – rest day, mah jongg
  • Saturday – run
  • Sunday – rest

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I encourage you to do the same. Grab the graphic, drop your link on the host blogs and play along! Please be sure to always comment on the HOST’s blogs, as well as visit and comment on as many other blogs as you can.

Happy Running! How is your running going? What’s new with you? How long after a marathon have you rested? Please share.

25 thoughts on “Weekly Run Down for 11.4.19-11.10.19: Recovery Week

  1. Glad you haven’t felt the let down, most marathoners do! Also glad you’ve recovered so well. That’s awesome. I’m sure moving helped a lot.

    Very sweet of your friends to bring you cupcakes. I suspect if I ever ran a marathon I still couldn’t eat allthefood. We all have our crosses to bear. 🙂


  2. I’m glad you are feeling so good! That’s fantastic. And great to go to Judy’s cat yoga class. The U Albany football team was at our hotel Friday night. I think they were playing the Delaware Blue Hens on Saturday. 😉


  3. Great to hear your recovery has gone well so far. Recovery, like training, is a very individual thing…so you’re smart to just go with the flow and take things in stride (sorry, that was not meant as a running pun LOL).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes I agree. Everyone is different. Those runners that were very sore most likely bran faster. I did a lot of walking before during and after.


  4. Yay cat yoga. That picture with the kitty is adorable.
    Totally with you on no let down, but glad I have the Halfs too. And yes, my legs weren’t as recovered as I thought but the trail yesterday was magic once I warmed up. It was only six though.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. That was smart to schedule the chiro and yoga for the week after the marathon. Yoga with cats sounds like a lot of fun! Though my cats sometimes seem to try to kill me when I’m doing yoga but hopefully these cats were nicer.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It was probably a good thing the universe conspired to make you not run for a week, LOL. And cat yoga…I’d bring one home. One time I was shopping for yard ornaments and came home with the sweetest tiny orange kitty. He was a gift with purchase! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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