Monday Running Update

spring 2015 monday
Last Week: 

  • Monday –  Ran 3 miles after work and went out to dinner with a co-worker. (We have been planning this for ages.)

just 3 miles this time

  • Tuesday – Played 1 1/2 hours of tennis after work followed by dinner out.
  • Wednesday A quick run followed by a yoga class which I thoroughly enjoyed and must do it more often.

  • Thursday – It was raining so I had to resort the dreaded treadmill and then I drove to pick up my race packet.

4 torturous miles. Thank God for a new episode of Nashville

  • Friday – Just a work day and then mah jongg in the evening.
  • Saturday –  Spend Saturday at home for the first time in weeks.  Ran a fun but COLD 5k in the evening. (Recap here) Went out to dinner after the race with friends.

not a fast one but a fun one

  • Sunday – Cooked (yes, me!), did errands and ran 7 miles on the rail trail (because I didn’t get my long run in yesterday.) Then went to dinner and a movie to celebrate my BFF’s birthday.

great film

20 miles done with 4 runs and 3 rest days.

This Week:  (6 weeks until Half Marathon #17)

  • Monday – 3 miles, shopping
  • Tuesday – tennis
  • Wednesday – 3 miles before or during work, hair appt after
  • Thursday –  OFF, 4 miles
  • Friday –  OFF, holiday dinner, movie
  • Saturday – 8 miles, celebrate my mentee’s b-day
  • Sunday – tennis holiday party
I am linking up for the Weekly Wrap hosted by Holly @ HoHoRuns and Tricia @ MissSippiPiddlin.   See rules here.
Click HERE.

Happy Running! How is your running going?  Any races ?


16 thoughts on “Monday Running Update

  1. Won’t be “racing” again until new year’s day.

    Still totally unsure of what we will do in the spring and it would be just about time to start training again. Chester seems to be hanging in there. Not great, but hanging in there and continually waking me up in the middle of the night to go out. Should’ve made my husband let him out last night since he was up anyway & is on vacation this week.


    • Yes now that he doesn’t have to get up early, he should get up with Chester.

      I will probably do the 3.5 on New Year’s unless the weather is bad. Not up for a half this year (besides I don’t want to repeat halfs.)

      After Feb 7, I haven’t picked one. I’m looking for one close and at the end of March or early April.

      It’s supposed to warm, Thursday. I am off. LMK if you want to run together.


      • I’ll be there NYD no matter the weather (unless it’s sleeting or lots of snow).

        Thursday will depend on the weather. I can’t do the morning, I have a meeting. I probably still won’t be able to wear my contacts by then & I can’t run without glasses, although I have done it around my neighborhood, I’m really pretty blind without anything.


        • I’m going to play it by ear. I won’t run in the rain and since I don’t work, I won’t have a treadmill. I’m hoping for a dry period at some point during the day.


  2. You are in good shape keeping your mileage up 🙂 I am supposed to race a 15K Jan. 17th – I have been holding back signing up because of all these crazy foot issues, but I think I will be able to make it. It usually fills so I have to sign up soon.


    • Me? Time off.

      Nope. We have a local running club that offers free races in January. I’ll do the 3.5, 10k, 15k, 10m ones. My big one is Feb 7 in Sarasota.


  3. 20 miles is a strong week! The nighttime 5k looks fun. I assume there were lots of pretty lights. I’ve got a big race looming in early January and then I hope to do quite a few half marathons in February through April. But, it’s all up in the air. I’m setting no goals yet. Enjoy your holiday week! Thanks for linking with us Darlene.


    • Good luck in Disney. I bet you will have quite a few races on your schedule. You have time to make up for.

      Happy Holidays to you!

      Hope you have an injury-free 2016.


  4. Great job on staying so active! I have one last hurrah for 2015 on New Years Eve, a 13.1 in So-Cal 😉 Then I’ll be running a 5K on Jan. 2nd (still in So-Cal). There’s a 5-mile race mid- February that I usually do (just have not registered yet) and a St. Paddy race in March…and probably a few misc. events not yet registered for. …I agree, it’s much easier to stay active when there are events on the calendar 😉


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