Weekly Run Down for 5.19.24-5.26.24: Taking It Easy

Miles On The Mohawk – this was the 4th year of this 10 mile local race. Did I run it?

The blog post title gives you a hint to the answer.

Last Week –

  • Saturday – After most likely too many miles on the legs on Friday…

we walked to and over the Brooklyn Bridge and then to the expo

Today my two friends and I dragged ourselves out of bed early to run the RBC Brooklyn Half Marathon along with 28k other crazy runners.

Getting to the start was easy peasy from lower Manhattan by subway.

The weather was warmer and sunnier than predicted so we struggled to get to the finish line in Coney Island. But we did it!!

The long crowded subway ride back to the hotel was no fun but we recovered with a hot shower then brunch.

We should have taken a nap but instead we headed uptown and walked around until our celebratory Italian dinner.

Times Square…and unfortunately the Dublin-NY Portal was not working

  • Sunday – Recovery Day in NYC.

I felt fine so my roommate and I got up early and walked 5 miles around the area.

Then we met our two running friends for brunch.

Everyone had to leave so I was solo. I considered a museum but it was so nice out that I decided to take the ferry to Governors Island and stroll there until I had to head to the train station to catch my train home.

the financial district, Battery Park, South Street Seaport, WTC and more…

  • Monday – Day Off.

I started the day at the gym and when my lunch date got cancelled, I decided to spend the day weeding and planting….

That is hard work!!

I thought I’d go for a walk/run since my legs felt fine but I decided to give them another day’s rest.

  • Tuesday – I was tempted to go for a run before work but I waited until lunch.

I should have gone earlier… it was quite warm but I did miss the rain that started soon after 

It was also my hubby’s birthday but we decided to wait until the weekend to celebrate.

So I met a friend after work for a walk.

it started out nice but then all of a sudden the skies opened up… we got drenched (even with an umbrella)

and since our walk got shortened, I stopped on the way home to get my hubby an ice cream cake. (He loved it!!)

  • Wednesday – I started the day at the gym. Continued my workout in the garden at lunch.

Summer has arrived!! Like to the tune of 90 degrees!

Today was week 10 of the TC and a trial run of the course was scheduled.

mostly walking due to the heat… (and this mysterious thigh pain)

Afterward, we all gathered for dinner/drinks.

  • Thursday – Live training got cancelled so I was WFH… that gave me a chance to do more gardening at lunch.

My thigh still ached when I went up or down the stairs so I called my chiro and got an immediate appt.

She was out on medical leave but I saw her sub. Long story short was that she thinks it was caused by the ankle (caused by either my recent fall on the tennis courts or sprained ankle not healing properly). She did some painful ART on some trigger points on the IT band.

She said that I could run but gave me things to after (foam roll, clamshells, etc).

ran some but walked often…

  • Friday – Back at the gym before work and amazingly the pain had disappeared.

wearing my race shirt in hopes of being able to run the race next Sat.

More gardening and finally back to mah jongg in the evening.

  • Saturday – I met my friends for a long run run and brunch. Since I just ran a half marathon last weekend and I was worried about that thigh pain, the run wasn’t very long or very fast.

6 miles and NO PAIN!!!

As usual, it was great to catch up with everyone at brunch.

  • Sunday – Miles On The Mohawk.

I made the tough decision to skip this race.  I have always enjoyed the 10 mile distance but decided to save $$ and my body (see Wed).

I’ll add it back to my racing schedule next year.

The good news is that we plan to take our boat out on Lake George today.

pic from last year’s first boating outing

This Coming Week on the Run – 

  • Monday – Holiday DAY OFF – run
  • Tuesday – GYM, walk with friends
  • Wednesday – run, volunteer dinner
  • Thursday – run, ARE Trail run/walk (first one)
  • Friday – GYM, chiro appt, volunteering at the expo
  • Saturday Run for Women 5k
  • Sunday – GYM, boating (weather dependent)

This Coming Week on the Blog – 

  • Tuesday – RBC Brooklyn Half Marathon Race Recap
  • Friday –  Runfessions

Happy Running! Training for any big or small races this spring?  How’s the weather where you live? Ever get running burnout? Any exciting plans for the long holiday weekend? Please share.






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20 thoughts on “Weekly Run Down for 5.19.24-5.26.24: Taking It Easy

  1. I’m glad to hear the thigh pain is no longer (let’s hope it stays away!). Bummer to miss your race, but probably a wise decision. But, you have another race next weekend to look forward to!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So sorry about your thigh pain but happy it disappeared. Probably a good choice to let it rest for a bit even if it meant missing a race. It looks like a good week for you anyway with nice walks and all that sunshine!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I do hope your thigh is feeling much better. I hate when random little pains pop up like that.

    Ice cream cake sounds fantastic. What a way to celebrate!

    Congratulations on the Brooklyn half! That’s so huge and you did great. I also think you made the right call skipping the 10 miler. Sometimes, you just have to take a pass.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow- I want to go to your chiropractor! I hope that pain stays away (sounds like it will, and I see you have another chiro appointment this week.)

    As always, I’m looking forward to the race recap!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Good thing your thigh is getting better — I was sore after my half marathon last week and was worried it was my hip injury acting up (because it started as what felt like quad pain last time) but thankfully ti went away and I was able to get back into running this week. Hope you’re recovering well from your half!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m sorry to hear about your new thigh pain, but it sounds like your chiropractor has you on the road to recovery. It was probably a good idea to skip the race and relax on the boat. Sounds fun!

    Liked by 1 person

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