TT: Blogger Interview

This Tuesday’s topic is Interview your Favorite Blogger.

I could not pick a “favorite” so I chose the blogger whom I’ve met in person (3 times)

and the running blogger whom I have been following the longest… (since 2009). She previously blogged as Running Off at the Mouth and The Studly Runner before her current blog Marcia’s Healthy Slice.

So here are her answers to my questions:

  • When did you start blogging?

I started blogging in January, 2009.   

  • Why did you start blogging?

I planned to use it as a training journal toward my first Boston Marathon. I never planned on anyone reading it. 

  • What do you enjoy most about blogging?

The best part of blogging is the community and the friends you meet along the way.

  • What do you enjoy least?

The worst part is when you feel like you “have to” blog but you don’t really have much to say.

  • How has your blog changed through the years?

At the beginning it was called Running Off at the Mouth. When I BQ’d a 3rd time it was renamed to The Studly Runner. When I stopped caring about BQs, it got its current name.

  • Do you have any changes planned for your blog?

I don’t really have any future plans for my blog. I feel like blogs are on their way out. I keep it as a way of keeping in touch with my circle of friends.

  • On the running front – do you have any current goals?

I don’t have running goals for myself right now but I’m doing a ton of coaching. I have a handful of athletes who I suspect will be punching their ticket to Boston this fall and that is very exciting. 

  • And what are your proudest achievements as a runner and/or blogger?

My proudest running achievements are of course running the Boston Qualifers and completing the 6 World Marathon Majors.

My daughters were very young when I started blogging and running seriously and I’d like to think I’ve been a role model for them for setting goals, working hard toward them and taking on crazy adventures.

I’d like to thank Marcia. I know she’s been an inspiration to me and other runners and bloggers.

Happy Running! Do you have any favorite bloggers?  If you follow Marcia, did you learn anything new from this interview? Please share. 


Since today is Tuesday, I’m linking up with Zenaida and Kim (Kooky Runner).

I’m also linking up here:

with co-hosts Coach Debbie RunsConfessions of a Mother RunnerMile by MileRuns with Pugs, and Laura Norris Running.

34 thoughts on “TT: Blogger Interview

  1. Yay, you interviewed Marcia! This was an interesting read.
    I didn’t know that her blog used to be named differently. I love reading blogs and I like Marcia’s one, too. Following her kitchen renovation and seeing the final result felt as if I was renovating my own kitchen. 🙂
    How is your renovation progressing, Darlene?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Awhhhh, I love Marcia, too 🙂 She’s a fab role model for all of us, and I love her dry sense of humor. I’m grateful I’ve gotten to meet her a few times as well 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You picked a great runner to interview – Marcia is amazing and such an inspiration! I have been luck enough to meet her in person too.

    Thanks for linking up with us, and apologies that I don’t have a post today as my blog was down last night.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ha ha, my favorite part of this interview is learning that Marcia’s blog used to be called “Running off at the Mouth” – that’s hilarious. I did know about the BQs and Marathon Majors- she’s a badass!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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