Running with Idols

Since it’s Tuesday, I’m joining the link-up organized by Zenaida and Kim (Kooky Runner)

The Topic for today is: If you could go on a run with any celebrity, who would you go with?

Wow, this is hard. How can I pick one person??

So my first pick would be Joan Benoit Samuelson.

Photo: Tony Duffy/Getty Images

If you have never watched this video, you must (with tissues nearby): Joan Benoit 1984

I’m old enough to remember the 1984 Olympics in LA.  I was actually in Israel at the time.  No interest in running.  I think I watched the gymnastics events only.

Joan qualified for the race 2 weeks after having knee surgery!!!

Then I started running.  And Joan Benoit Samuelson has become my IDOL… She is in her 60s too and she is STILL running and trying for records. (Our birthdays are both in MAY as well!)

I actually met her a few years ago at the Freihofer Run for Women Expo. (I even got her autograph.)

I was also lucky enough to run with her when she came to Albany, NY back in 2012 to premiere her movie.

My second pick may not be someone everyone knows. She is not a former Olympian but she has become my newest idol – Jeannie Rice.
Her Marathon Time Is Astounding—And Not Just for 71 - WSJ
This lady is 72 years old has been running for 37 years without a single injury. She holds the world and/or national record at every distance.

She has run 150 marathons and still runs at least 11-12 miles each day (6-8 marathons a year.)

If you have time, listen to her interview on this podcast.

Both of these older runners have not let age hold them back.  Obviously, they have native ability but we know that just gets you so far.  I’d love to run with either of them and hopefully their zest for life and running would rub off on me.

I’m also linking up here:

Formerly the Running Coaches’ Corner, it’s back with new co-hosts Coach Debbie RunsRunning on HappyConfessions of a Mother RunnerMile by MileRuns with Pugs, and Fauxrunner.

Happy Running! Who is your running idol(s)? And whom would you love to run with? Please share.

24 thoughts on “Running with Idols

  1. Jeannie Rice!! Look at that body! How can she be 72?!

    I told you already that I ran a race with her in Naples, Florida. Jeannie took off and next time I saw her, she was laughing and joking with others in the finisher area as I crossed the finishing line (out of breath and exhausted).
    She is 20 years older than me but I could not keep up. Of course, she won the Grand Masters and her Age Group. And she was among the first five of women overall. She is AMAZING! A great example indeed.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooh I’ve heard Jeannie Rice on a podcast before, I will definitely listen to the new one. Someone who’s 71, keeps breaking records, and has never gotten an injury…there are things to learn here.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love all of those mentioned above. In April 2016, a week after running the Boston Marathon, I ran the James Joyce Ramble 10K. At about mile 6, a hand touched mine and a voice said “Come on, finish with me.” My quads were burning and I just had to wave her off, but I did stay at her heels. Only later did I realize the encouraging woman was Uta Pippig who was serving in some capacity with the race. When I am flagging near the finish of any race since then, I conjure up Uta encouraging me to finish strong.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve met and run in the same space as Joan Benoit Samuelson. To say I ran WITH her is just not fair to either of us LOL.

    I would love to meet Des Linden and Meb. They are both so down to earth, dedicated, and awesome.

    Liked by 1 person

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