Weekly Run Down for 5.4.20-5.10.20: My First Pandemic Birthday

May 15 can’t come soon enough…but will it be even longer?? Yes, it probably will…. It don’t see it ending for a long time. (NYS is now on pause until June 7!!)

Otherwise things are the same. All social activities still cancelled. Missing my friends!! But keeping in touch via ZOOM.

a hopeful message from my blogger friends (I’m sure you recognize most everyone)

Trying to get outdoors often so I do not go stir crazy in my Office (aka a room in my house). Always looking for new and interesting places to run or walk and practice social distancing. So far, I’ve been successful and haven’t run out of choices. I explored four new locations this week (up to 20 now).

Joined this group.  I’m a big ZOOMA fan after my Bermuda experience and it’s FREE!


my yearly goal is 1000 miles…already met a lot of runners thru FB

I think I’m postponing my birthday this year.  Why not?  Everything else is on pause lol

Last Week –

  • Monday – Made the right call today.  It was sunny and calm when I got up.  The forecast was for increasing clouds and WIND. So I did my run before work for the first time since maybe last summer?

combined my neighborhood and the trails and was only a little late for work

That left me no pressure for two more walks.  Lunch time one nearby at the park

notice the mud and the change in outfit.. it was cold and windy

and after work for exploring a new trail. (#17)

I chose this one because it was not too far away. It was well marked but not as scenic as the others.

  • Tuesday – A chilly breezy yet sunny day. Walked with my friend at lunch

took her to Van Dyke preserve

and then drove to the rail trail and COMMITTED to a Un-canceled 5k.

match my outfit to the theme each week.

  • Wednesday – Believe it not, there was frost when I got up.  It did warm up in time for my lunch walk.  I decided to drive to the rail trail and then realized that it was farther than I thought and if I walked, I wouldn’t get much exercise so I ran.  Then I was too warm to run so I walked.

at least got in those flower pics..chose a road alongside the rail trail rather than on it

These days, if it’s not raining, I feel like running. Basically it is not overdoing it if you run slow and stop and take loads of pretty pictures.  So I drove to Washington Park and finished my lunch run and then of course, did a tulip progress check. The tulips,for the most part, were lacking (either no care due to the cancellation of the tulip fest or today’s hard frost). I did meet a running friend there so that was nice and got in some miles and quick pics.

  • Thursday – I went for a walk again during my lunch with my friend

on the fit trail in the local park

and I had planned to run today as well since it was warm and the sun was shining. Of course, after work, the sun was not shining as brightly and it got very windy. Still it was warm and I wanted to go to Trader Joe’s so I decided to run at the Crossings.

excited anytime it is skirt weather and I bought myself FLOWERS at TJs.

Also had a double ZOOM chat with my local running friends.  This has become a highlight of my week. Miss running with them. I piggybacked on Miranda‘s collage message idea and created my own:

We support each other & can’t wait to bRUNch together again ❤ my “sole sisters”

  • Friday – No lunch walk today due to a dentist appointment.  Yes, they are open once a week and have put so much in place to make you feel safe. (Now if only the nail salon and hairdresser would open…)

But even on a rest day I wanted to celebrate Ahmaud with 2.23 miles:

I was hoping that the rain would hold off so I could do it in a new location (#18). But with the rain predicted, I need to find a trail not too far away.  So I chose Papscanee Island Nature Preserve (about 20 min. away.) First I parked at the South entrance because the trail was a loop.

It was poorly marked if at all and the path along the Hudson was strewn with garbage

Then I drove to the North entrance because I wasn’t yet at 2.23 miles.

it was just an out and back, very flat and boring (good for running, though) so I turned around before the rain started.

  • SaturdayMY BIRTHDAY. In recent years, I was either in Florida celebrating with my tennis friends or home, running a race and celebrating with a visit to the Tulip Fest (with my mentee and her sons) and then out to dinner with the hubby.

Well, obviously during this pandemic year, none of the above could be happening. And the weather (as usual) did not cooperate.  I woke up to a dusting of snow on the ground (many nearby places got a few inches), feels like 20 degrees and insane winds. I even decided to postpone my long run until Sunday.

That made it convenient to take a ZOOM yoga class for runners in the morning.  This month’s focus was on the hips. Very hard but worth it.

So as I said above and to my hubby, I am postponing my birthday celebration to a nicer day when I can go up to the lake and eat outside (with others) in the sunshine.

But when you work from home all week, crappy weather or not, you want to escape (at least I do) so I dragged the hubby on a road trip.  South cuz I thought it may be a little warmer.

First was Artists Falls (about 45 min. south)…not sure if we found it because it was not labeled as such but it was near the Clove Inn so maybe.

I was freezing and it snowed on and off…the trails were a little too technical but the waterfall beautiful. (new trail #19)

On the way home, I spotted another waterfall which was even more impressive – near Tumbling Falls House (c1880).

no trail just a BnB

And when we got home, I needed to stop and get my FREE birthday Starbucks which just happened to be not far from another preserve that had a waterfalls.

even colder and more snow, I’ll return here when it is warmer – for more pics and videos, check out my IG posts @dsc59 (new trail #20)

So my coldest birthday ever… dinner out and cake with family and friends TBA

And thanks!! I do appreciate all those who remembered and called, sent me cards or online wishes. ❤ you all.

But I do have to add today one of my favorite memes:

Related image

  • Sunday – Often, it’s a Mother’s Day 5k but today it was a Mother’s Day long run. I decided to taper and only run 8 miles. It was a really nice running weather day – at least in the morning… I was still thawing out from Saturday so overdressed a bit. I drove to the Nisky bike path and everyone must have been visiting their moms because it was practically empty.

shed my jacket early on and could have worn a skirt…but did wear a shirt from a previous Mother’s Day 5k

My post long run treat was a FREE birthday pastry from Paneras and a latte. I enjoyed both while walking around the Pine Hollow Arboretum.

I may be obsessed with flowers this year

We did do a drive by to wish my MIL Happy Mother’s Day. I planned on doing some more gardening but it clouded up, got colder and windier….

This Coming Week – 

  • Monday – rest day, walk
  • Tuesday –  run
  • Wednesday – run (un-canceled 5k)
  • Thursday – rest day, tennis friends social distancing picnic, running friends ZOOM
  • Fridayrun, mah jongg (SS virtual 5K)
  • Saturday –  rest day, walk

I am linking up with Kim and Deborah for

I encourage you to do the same. Grab the graphic, drop your link on the host blogs and play along! Please be sure to always comment on the HOST’s blogs, as well as visit and comment on as many other blogs as you can.

Happy Running! How is your running going?  How is this virus affecting you and your family? Are you having  hard time finding safe places to run? Are you running in places or are in a running route rut? Please share.

36 thoughts on “Weekly Run Down for 5.4.20-5.10.20: My First Pandemic Birthday

  1. Definitely a challenging birthday! My son’s is this week too and he is not happy. I am all for postponing the celebration for a few months. Glad you finally had some nice running weather this weekend.Have a great week ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Gosh, you have nice trails to choose from! It’s great to see so many of us runners WALKING (as well as running). I’m determined to match my outfits to all of the Un-Canceled races, too. Why not? I had snow on my birthday this year as well…but that was two months ago LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Doesn’t really sound like such a bad birthday after all. I created yet another collage for my brother’s birthday today — and with the help of a staff member there, we got her on the call — I might have been able to talk her through it, but we probably would’ve missed most of the call. Nice to see nieces & nephews (including the one that lives in India) I haven’t seen in a while — and my mom!


  4. Happy birthday! Sorry about the snow…man Starbucks sounds great, but I don’t think I’ve had one since this pandemic started!

    Love the beautiful flowers! Great photos!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I get it. We “celebrated” but Mr PugRunner wasn’t feeling great (sinuses) and it wasn’t my favorite day. We are going to make it all up at a later date (starting from St. Patrick’s Day LOL!
    We had gross weather with rain and cold (for us), but what can you do.


  6. Happy Belated Birthday! Celebrations in quarantine are not the same! I love all your outdoor pictures and the tulips look good to me. I can’t imagine going to the dentist now, but my hair situation is beyond desperate at this point!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Happy birthday! You definitely deserve a do-over! Waterfalls are so beautiful, I would love to do some exploring when things get back to “normal” around here! I think we’re doing okay over here, but I’m still trying to keep my running/walking routes in the neighborhood interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I do love waterfalls – without the cold temps and snow would have made it even more pleasant.

      I think you are doing better than NY. Just trying to stay active until it’s over.


  8. I always make sure to get my free drink from Starbucks for my birthday. I’ve been running the same routes by my house and so far haven’t been bored. I am itching to run along the lakefront though. One day…one day.

    Liked by 1 person

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