What Do You Love About Running?

As you know, the Tuesdays on the Run link up has been retired. There is now a new link-up organized by Zenaida and Kim (Kooky Runner). The new link up is called Tuesday Topics.

Since today is Tuesday, I’m also linking up with these ladies.

Today’s Topic (appropriately as we approach Valentine’s Day) is What Do You Love About Running.

I could go on and on but I will limit it… (they are not in order of importance… they are actually listed in reverse order.)

  • Bling

Yup, it’s cool to get medals and awards. It is a concrete symbol of your accomplishment. Some are pretty too.

  • Opportunities to Travel

I don’t travel as much as other runners but I have gotten to visit California, Florida, Vermont, Philly, NJ, Las Vegas, Montreal and Paris!! I may not have gone to these locations if I had not registered for a race.

  • Races

I would race every weekend if I could afford it. I love all distances though my favorites are the 5k and the half marathon. The excitement at the start line with the other runners and the feeling of accomplishment when you cross that finish line can’t be beat.

  • Local Running Friends

They are the best…. I don’t know where I’d be without them. Whether it is sharing some of my miserable long runs in the cold or seeing their smiling faces before a race or just chatting about running at a post-run brunch.  Running Life is better with friends to support you.

  • Prizes awarded based on your Age

I love that that I am only competing against other women and the ones that are in my age group. I have played competitive tennis and unfortunately, it’s just WIN or Lose.

  • Blogging

If I didn’t run, I probably wouldn’t blog and I would have missed out on meeting some fabulous ladies. My blog started as motivation to keep on running and now it is so much more… a way to stay connected to the running community.

  • How it makes me feel

Healthy, strong, confident, empowered, young(er)…

I’m also linking this post with Susie and Rachel and Debbie and Lora for the Running Coaches’ Corner.

Happy Running! What do you love most about running? Do share!


37 thoughts on “What Do You Love About Running?

    • I am sure that is not true about friends. if you stop running, you’ll find another interest and then make new friends.

      Me too about travel. I love exploring new places but you can also do that without being a runner as long as you can walk. I probably visited more places before I was a runner.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. So many things to love about running! I definitely love the electric energy at the starting line of a race. And getting to see new places is always great! I love that picture of you running on the bridge! I really would love to do one of the big NYC races at some point!


  2. Great post! I know when I started running it was really all about the race experience for me and I only did the training runs because I needed them to be ready for the race. But now, I’ve come to enjoy just running, being outside, and that it can be alone time or time to catch up with friends.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So much to love about running… I only run a handful of races each year, but I always love the race medals (less so the t-shirts).

    I love that I have met so many cool runners through social media and blogs. It’s definitely a great community!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. These are fabulous and so many if not all really resonate with me. When I started running,I had 2 kids under the age of 4 and was struggling to find balance. Running gave me that – gave me time to be “me” and to think. And it expanded to being so much more – I’ve bonded with so many runners, both in person and online, I’ve loved blogging about it, I’ve loved all the races and the bling, and of course all the running outfits!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Tuesday Topics on Thursday: What I love about running – She Runs by the Seashore

  6. To no surprise, I agree with you on people/travel and self confidence.
    I actually don’t care about the bling. Well that’s not true, I enjoy a fun medal but it’s not a motivator for me. I remember being excited about the Women’s Mini because it had a medal. Now I look at it as I’d rather it be cheaper, because I don’t necessarily want the medal. I know i”m rare in that

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