Three Day Weekend


In past summers, I used to take a lot of these, that is… 3 day weekends.  But this summer I have been too depressed about breaking my foot to take time off.


much more fun to boat without crutches

Eventually I did ditch the crutches and spend some time on the lake.


I could even get up and down the boat ladder with one foot

I thought my foot would be fully healed by now but it isn’t.  I decided nevertheless to take a day off from work. (Things don’t always go as planned.)


On Saturday, I drove to my friend’s house in Chestertown on the Schroon River.  When I arrived, no one was there yet and then they were going to play tennis.  Pretty depressing to stand in the HEAT and watch so I headed south (15 minutes) and drove to the marina to spend the day on the lake. (It’s nice to have the choice!!)

It was another hot day…we decided to go cliff jumping (NOT ME!! but the others.)  Unfortunately, people reserved the WHOLE island for a wedding.


this is where everyone jumps…the bride was in a white bikini and the groom black shorts and his chest painted black like a tux!

So we left and spend the rest of the day floating on tubes in the bay.

Around dinner time, we went back to the marina & I drove back to have dinner with my tennis friends at the river house.  We played lots of games and laughed and laughed. So much fun.


here we are posing with a big cookie that says “tennis friends”

When they went to bed, I returned to my boat to sleep. (I am not sure my hubby noticed…he was up late playing pool with his friends…)

morning at the marina

morning at the marina

Sunday looked like it was going to be a beautiful day…warm and sunny and not oppressively hot and humid.  I immediately headed back to have breakfast with my friends.

one of the trails near the river

one of the trails near the river

When they left to play tennis, I left to RUN!!! I ran mostly on trails and a little on the road.

Schroon River

Schroon River

I covered about 2 miles….my high post-injury mileage.

me on the road

me on the road – my shirt says “Run Schroon”

Then I joined my friends on the courts. One of my friends was also coming back from an injury so we hit together for about a half hour…. It felt great to play.  I tried not to move too much. My foot felt fine!!! YAY!!

group photo

group photo

After lunch, we hung out by the water reading, chatting, etc.


Then they left and I was alone!!

My hubby was still at the marina so I went back and had dinner with him & some friends and finished the day with Stewart’s ice cream (No-regretzel – my new fav)!!

view from my window...

view from my window…

My hubby returned home and I spent the night in the river house…me and my book and full moon…so relaxing!


coffee and oatmeal with a river view

The next morning, I had breakfast on the deck overlooking the river (and AJH, there is also a Keurig k-cup machine in addition to a percolator)

I know I shouldn’t run two days in a row…but it was soooo nice out!

on the way to Brant Lake

on the way to Brant Lake

So I did run.  I decided on a different route – a scenic trip to Brant Lake and then back.

Brant Lake

Brant Lake

Monetesque photo

Monetesque photo

I ran there (2 miles or so) and walked back.

happy me at Brant Lake

happy me at Brant Lake

When I got back, I had a snack while cooling off in the river.

bagel & macaroni salad

bagel & macaroni salad

It is weird being alone.  You can do what you want and not have to compromise. What to do…what to do???

Well, I decided to visit several nearby lakes.

Loon Lake

Loon Lake

I started with Loon Lake about 4 miles away.  I sat there for a while with a book.

Then I drove along the lake (which is much larger than I thought) to Schroon Lake (about 15 miles).  I sat on one side for a little while and then I walked into town to browse in the shops and have another snack.

fresh fruit crepe

fresh fruit crepe

When it started getting warm, I walked down to the public beach.  There I swam/read, etc. (This is where the Adirondack Half marathon ended in Sept 2011.)

Schroon Lake

Schroon Lake

Finally it was time to call it a day. I drove back to Chestertown, packed my stuff and headed out.

Since I knew I would be hungry before I got home, I stopped in town and had a delicious dinner (homemade potato leek soup and turkey sandwich with cranberry mayo).


black raspbery

It wouldn’t be vacation without ice cream so I bought myself a soft ice cream cone. (diet starts tomorrow!!)

So boating, tennis, friends, reading, RUNNING, no work or responsibilities = HAPPY me! 🙂

Now back to the real world. It is raining.  I am working. I have laundry to do.

Happy Running!  Have you ever vacationed solo?

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