Four Somethings for October

January 2018 Share Foru Somethings #ShareFourSomethings

Thanks to Laurie from Meditations in Motion, I discovered a new link up started by blogger Heather Gerwing. The fourth Saturday of each month, Heather invites other bloggers to share their “Four Somethings”: Something Loved, Something Said, Something Learned, Something Read. If you are a blogger, you may post your Four Somethings too!

I realized that I haven’t done this since JULY!! It’s time even though it’s Tuesday LOL

Something Loved.

Broadway Musicals.

I recently saw Hadestown

This musical tells a version of the ancient Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, where Orpheus goes to the underworld to rescue his fiancée Eurydice. I thought it was fantastic.

In a few weeks, I’m treating myself to Hamilton. Can’t wait!!!!!

There are few new ones on my list like Moulin Rouge, Jagged Little Pill, Tina, West Side Story…

Darn. I wish they were not so expensive.

I am scheduled to work in NYC in December and January. I’m sure to try to snag some cheap tix while I’m there.

Something Said.

Actually read these somewhere:


I haven’t run my marathon yet, but I did do a 20 miler. And yes, the last 6 miles HURT…a lot!!! But I’ve never been prouder.


I definitely need to remember this!!!


And this…


Yup, 18 weeks of training and it comes down to ONE day.

Something Learned.

I trained for a marathon and it did not take over my life as I feared. (Well, maybe I didn’t train well enough. That shall remain to be seen on Nov. 3.)

I ran 7 races. I went on our boat every weekend possible.  I spent a weekend in RI with a college friend, a weekend away with tennis friends and another with mah jongg friends, saw a Broadway show in NYC, met college friends In Poughkeepsie and on and on.

I never refused anything because I HAD TO RUN. I just fit it all in. No rest for the weary as they say.

Something Read.

I’m taking a break from running books. This book was a mystery and I couldn’t put it down.

The Silent Patient

All I will tell you is that an artist shoots her husband 5 times and then refuses to speak. A criminal psychotherapist is determined to get her to talk.

Why? That’s the twist.

There is a link-up organized by Zenaida and Kim (Kooky Runner).

Since today is Tuesday, I’m also linking up with these ladies and you should too.

I’m linking also up with Coaches Corner–Debbie and Marc.

and Wild Workout Wednesday with NicoleAnnmarieJen, and Michelle.

Happy Running! What are your FOUR somethings? Share at least ONE.

24 thoughts on “Four Somethings for October

  1. Love your 4 somethings, Darlene! I especially liked Jeff Galloway’s advice about attitude. So true. Marathoning is much more of a head game than shorter races. I think your approach to training was a good one. When you’re younger, it makes more sense to throw everything into training. At our age, we want to enjoy the experience while also having a life outside running. I think your balance was a good one. Good luck this weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooh your first marathon!!!! How exciting! You’re probably not ready ( it sure anyone ever is) but you are going to do great. Be proud of yourself!!

    As the saying goes “The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start. (John Bingham)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love all those marathon quotes 😉 I especially agree with the one about running against the distance (Vs. other runners)…but I’d also add that you’re also running against the weather, too LOL Best of luck this weekend!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love what you say “I never refused anything because I HAD TO RUN.” I’m guilty of always saying I can’t do something because I have to be up early the next day to run. I need to work on that so I can still do things I want to do. Good luck on Sunday!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am lucky to have understanding hubby and friends. And there were times I left early and didn’t have that glass of wine. Went out to dinner in running clothes. Lol.

      Liked by 1 person

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