Wednesday Word: Dilemmas

Deb Runs

Every Wednesday, the Deb from Deb Runs will be providing a word about which to blog. Kind of like a nice little blog prompt. Posts can be fitness or health related, but don’t have to be, so really anyone can play along. Just be sure to link up with InLinkz on Deb’s main post, and share the love by reading and commenting on other’s participant’s posts.

Today’s word is DILEMMA.

What is a dilemma?

It’s a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two different things you could do.

Yes, runners, or at least I do, have lots of dilemmas:

  • Do I train to run long or do I train to run fast?

This a constant struggle for me.  I love half marathons but then when I run a 5K, my pace sucks. Anyone have a way to do both?

  • Do I sign up to run a race or do I do a training run?

Another dilemma for me.  I love to race but it doesn’t help me build endurance and improve my half marathon times.

  • Do I race for fun or for a PR?

Too bad, PRs are so hard to come by that I can’t do both!

  • Do I run alone or with a group?

Running with another runner is more fun but you just can’t run your own pace.  You either run too fast to keep up or too slow to go at theirs.

I could go on and on..

Do I run before work, during lunch or after work?  Do I run on the treadmill or outside? Do I run on a flat course or a hilly one? Do I take a rest day or do I not? 

But it all comes down to…

Yup. Change is tough.

Happy Running! Any dilemmas to share?


17 thoughts on “Wednesday Word: Dilemmas

  1. There speed issue is a hard one for older runners and I am right with you. I find that a tempo workout and a speed workout each week help me with speed but who knows if I will ever have another PR. I’m having fun running so the whole PR thing is not as important to me.


  2. I always debate at the start line of a 13.1 whether I should try for a PR or just enjoy the course (knowing I can still probably finish it around two hours). Is it worth the extra effort to knock 5-7 minutes off my “average” time? Sometimes it all depends on how the first few miles go…


  3. My cyrrent dilema is how to train for my next marathon. Use the same training plan which worked for me or tweak it ? or do soemthing different. Choices, choice…. will let you know for June, should be OK but I am waiting for confirmation on one thing first.


  4. Oh yes the dilemas:) I always say run long then your good for short and it helps with the pace for shorter ones even if you don’t do speedwork.
    For me right now, it’s to run afterwork or force my rear up earlier than I care to even think about getting up….
    But in the end, I am just glad I can run so no matter the dilema I am already winning on the can run part, LOL


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