Wednesday Word: Brave

Deb Runs

Every Wednesday, the Deb from Deb Runs will be providing a word about which to blog. Kind of like a nice little blog prompt. Posts can be fitness or health related, but don’t have to be, so really anyone can play along. Just be sure to link up with InLinkz on Deb’s main post, and share the love by reading and commenting on other’s participant’s posts.

Today’s word is BRAVE.

So if you are brave, then according to the dictionary, you are “ready to face and endure danger or pain thus showing courage.”

Am I brave?

Not particularly.  I do NOT jump out of planes, climb mountains or run alone through the park at night. But like the word, adventurous, what I may think is not being brave, others may say “I’d be too scared to do that…” (ie walking around Manhattan by myself, etc.)

But in some way, I think that all runners are brave.

Every time we go out to run or start a race, we hope that there will be no pain, but we are ready to face and endure it.

Yes, those hills can be painful.


Running in terrible weather can also be painful.


Those last few miles of a race can be painful, as well.


And I don’t even run marathons or ultras.  I can’t even imagine the pain, a runner has to endure to complete all those miles.

And then, there are those injuries that happen to every runner – some serious and some not so serious.

good thing I kept those critches

Recovery is painful.  PT is painful.

2 feet on the ground for the lst time since Dec 29

Running while injured is also painful.


But we all do it.

We runners are brave.


Because of the alternative…


So continue running as long as you want to. Sign up for a race. Challenge yourself to run a new distance.

Running won’t damage your knees or weaken your joints.

Be brave! Live life!

Happy Running! In what ways are you brave?







17 thoughts on “Wednesday Word: Brave

  1. really like that quote. i think i’m brave in some circumstances but in terms of things like bungee jumping, sky diving, alone in the dark in unknown places, no way. like, i prob wouldn’t have chosen Dauntless in the Divergent series. 🙂


  2. That last mile (or two) in a half marathon is simply excruciating. And for the one marathon I did, it was about six. Yet, we sign up again and again…and again. 😉 If facing pain equals bravery, then runners do it better than anyone else.


  3. I definitely think that certain elements of running makes a person brave – like you traveling alone to races where you might not even know a person there. That’s brave!

    Thank you for being a regular part of Wednesday Word!


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