Wednesday Word: Gracious

Deb Runs

Every Wednesday, the Deb from Deb Runs will be providing a word about which to blog. Kind of like a nice little blog prompt. Posts can be fitness or health related, but don’t have to be, so really anyone can play along. Just be sure to link up with InLinkz on Deb’s main post, and share the love by reading and commenting on other’s participant’s posts.

Today’s word is GRACIOUS.

The dictionary defines gracious as; “being pleasantly kind, benevolent and courteous.”

How do we become a “gracious” runner?

  • Help other runners even it means that you may run slower, re-arrange your running calendar or and run fewer miles than planned.

I volunteered my time twice in the STEM running program.  Yes, I had to run much slower.  Yes, I had to drive in rush hour traffic to get to the running location.  Yes, I had to skip my usual running distance.  But it was worth it to see the look on a runner’s face when she completed her FIRST 5k.


had my slowest 5k time but who cares?

I also participated in the GOTR program and plan to again. It is so important to make a difference in a young girl’s life.

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  • Thank the volunteers at a race. There wouldn’t be a race without them.  You wouldn’t have water.  You wouldn’t have packet pick up. You would not know where to turn on the course. They are often out there for hours in the rain, cold, heat, etc. in order to make the race that you are running in a successful one.

  • Be modest about your racing successes.

Be proud, of course but keep it under check when around a slower runner than yourself or one who runs shorter races. Don’t brag!

  • Be mindful of other runners.

That means if you are walking, let runners go by.  Don’t block the way if you are pushing a stroller uphill. If you are running with a dog, make sure that the dog is leashed.

  • And lastly:

Happy Running! Any other ways that you can be a “gracious” runner?


10 thoughts on “Wednesday Word: Gracious

  1. LOL, I think we all used the same quote!

    It doesn’t bother me when I hear about faster runner’s PRs. Much — gotta be honest there. Sure, I wish I could have times like that, but I am also happy when others do well.

    So never worry about sharing your successes!


    • Of course, I will share. Friends do that.

      I kinda meant gloating or looking down on someone who is slower or runs shorter distances.


  2. Even though I am faster than my sister. When we run the marathon today I stay back w her bc we are doing it together for the experience, not so much the time. I enjoy every bit of it bc I am running w my sister and I know she appreciates it.


  3. So important about the volunteers! I try to thank everyone I can. I’ve been in their shoes and while it is a rewarding experience, it’s also hard and the little thank yous helped so much.


  4. As a sometimes race volunteer, I definitely appreciate those who come out to volunteer at the races when I am running. The larger races have so many volunteers that it is hard to thank them all. I also love to help other runners. Some of my favorite races have been those where I either paced another runner or when I ran with a little boy for the Stride program. You definitely are gracious D.


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