Spicing Up Your Running

Image result for variety is the spice of life

We cannot do anything about the hot weather but what can you do to add excitement to your running despite of the heat?

So here’s what I do (recommend):

  • Run in a NEW PLACE.

It is so easy to get in a rut. We open the door and go for a run. Or we run near where we work. It’s fast and simple. We are busy people.

Recently I ran at Thatcher Park.  I had never been here. My running seemed effortless because I was just looking around at the scenery.

  • BUY something NEW to WEAR.

It doesn’t have to be Skirt Sports. Buy a new pair of shoes, a hat or even socks.

I know that we all probably have more running clothes than we can wear and this stuff ain’t cheap.

So I found this cheap pair of compression sleeves at Amazon for $9.95.  They made me smile – that and my goofy friends.


It doesn’t have to be challenging like a marathon.  What about a one mile race? Or a 4 or 5 mile race if you’ve never run one.

I am actually running a 8 mile race

and a one mile race in August.

Both are NEW distances for me.


That could mean do a Duathlon or a Triathlon or something you’ve never done before.

For me, it meant running with a group on a trail.

I didn’t fall. It was fun. I enjoyed it.  Who knew?

  • Download NEW MUSIC or a NEW PODCAST.

It’s always exciting to change up what you listen to.

I recently started listening to the soundtrack to Hamilton.  Soooo good.

Image result for hamilton soundtrack

I have a few new podcasts that I want to listen to as well.

Image result for runners who wine podcast

this one was recommended to me

There is a link-up organized by Zenaida and Kim (Kooky Runner).

Since today is Tuesday, I’m also linking up with these ladies.

I’m linking also up with Coaches Corner–Debbie and Marc.

Happy Running! Happy Running! What have you done NEW with your running this summer?



28 thoughts on “Spicing Up Your Running

    • Good for you. I always relate biking to when I did it because I was injured and could not run. I should change that mindset.


  1. A couple of weeks ago I ran in the city centre where all the Government buildings/ offices, embassies, war monuments etc, are. Its not close to work or home so its a place I never really run unless there is a race. Those 10km felt amazing and I told myself that I really have to try new places more often! I’m also doing a lot more trails which is spicing things up! Great post.


    • I was talking about NEW to running. But maybe yoga has changed the time that you put into running.

      And yes while in college, used to go to thatcher for picnics. Never to run on the trails.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yoga did change the time I put into running this summer, although I’m where I want to be with running right now. I strategically chose this training at this time because I knew I would have the time for it. Speaking of which, almost time for class . . .


  2. These are great tips and I’ve done all of them! I added podcasts when I was marathon training and the miles got really boring. I started trail running when roads got boring. Now I do a little of both. And this season I’m focusing on distance races but next year I think I’ll focus on speed. Great ideas!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Fun! Good luck with your 8 mile race this weekend! I’m trying to slowly get back into regular running and am looking for ways to keep it fun as I struggle through these tough beginning miles haha. I’m absolutely going to check out the Runners Who Wine podcast and use your other tips! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Running in a new place is definitely a wonderful thing to do. A few months ago is when I started running in two different places and loved it. I need to go back. New shoes and gear? Definitely! 🙂


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