
Image result for podcasts

Yes, I am late to the party but when I run alone, I used to listen to music. But I got tired of the same old same old tunes and decided to try listening to podcasts – running ones, of course.

They are GREAT! Why did I wait so long?

Here’s five reasons why:

  1. It’s like talking to a friend but they’re doing all the talking.
  2. It’s educational.  You learn a lot by listening to other runners.
  3. It’s makes the miles go by faster. I guess it’s like listening to an audio book while driving your car. You get so engrossed in the story that you forget the time.
  4. It’s free.  You don’t have to buy anything and if you don’t like the one you’ve downloaded, just delete it.
  5. There are so many to choose from. Just go to itunes and search for running and you’ll find one or ten to your liking.

Image result for podcasts while running

So here’s are five that I would recommend:

  • Ali on the Run Show – It’s fairly new. I’ve always loved her blog and I’ve enjoyed all the guests that she has interviewed so far. They last over an hour and I’ve used them during my long run. She will soon be adding shorter ones for weekday runs.

Image result for ali on the run show

  • Run This World – this one is done by Nicole DeBoom who is the founder of Skirt Sports. Her podcasts last as long as the average 5k run and her guests are so varied and yet motivating.

Image result for run this world podcast

  • I’ll Have Another – I can’t wait to listen to Lindsay’s guests – she interviews only women – some are well known but many are not. I am sure they all have a story to tell (about running.)


  • The Runner’s  World Show and The Human Race – both put together by Runner’s World magazine. I haven’t listened to any yet but looking at the topics, I definitely plan to soon.

Image result for runner's world show Image result for runner's world show

  • Another Mother Runner – The Podcast I’ve met these two women in person and they were very entertaining so I am sure that their podcasts are as well.


It’s Wednesday so I’m linking up with  Nicole and AnnMarie and Jen for the Wild Workout Wednesday

and with Susie and Rachel and Debbie and Lora for the Running Coaches’ Corner.

Happy Running! Do you listen to podcasts while you run? Do you have any others to recommend?


29 thoughts on “Podcasts

      • My watch tracks my cadence, but since it just shows the average, it’s hard to figure what mine is. Slow, I know — I can listen to yours & it’s much faster.

        Actually, I wonder if listening to a podcast might actually slow me down? Who knows, indeed.


        • When you run to a song with a certain cadence, your steps match the beat so you are faster. Of course, unless you ignore the beat of the music. You do run faster to faster music, right?

          But as you know, I don’t care what my pace is. I just run to enjoy it. Then again, I don’t listen to music in a race and I am faster.

          There’s no magic to speed. I think it is what is. Some runners are just faster. I think you can get a little faster but no miracle cure for slowness.

          Slow is better than being injured or sick.

          That’s my rant for today.

          Liked by 1 person

  1. I haven’t really gotten into podcasts…there were some blogging ones I followed a while back but gave up! Thanks for the suggestions!


  2. I don’t even listen to music anymore when I run, but if I needed to have a distraction now, I’d do podcasts. The guy in our group who trained for a marathon last year listened to books on tape (well, you know what I mean, digital books). Whatever gets you through the miles, right?


  3. I haven’t run with music in a very long time, and only podcasts for super long, lonely runs. They definitely help pass the time and it’s totally like talking to a friend!


  4. I rarely listen to stuff these days, but I have listened to podcasts in the past and found it helpful on long runs. My friend Martinus has a podcast now… I keep meaning to listen because he just has a great voice! His first podcast is here http://300poundsandrunning.com/intro-300-pounds-and-running-podcast/ but there are several others as well. (I actually know him in person, unlike many people I just know “on the web” – we met ages ago at Fitbloggin and have kept in touch for years).


  5. I never run with ear buds or whatever they are. Sometimes I do get books on CD from the library and greatly enjoyed them.
    Maybe I can download podcasts and listen to them on the way to work. Probably would be good for my blood pressure!


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