Wednesday Word: Judgmental

Deb Runs

Every Wednesday, the Deb from Deb Runs will be providing a word about which to blog. Kind of like a nice little blog prompt. Posts can be fitness or health related, but don’t have to be, so really anyone can play along. Just be sure to link up with InLinkz on Deb’s main post, and share the love by reading and commenting on other’s participant’s posts.

Today’s word is JUDGMENTAL.

The adjective judgmental describes someone who forms lots of opinions — usually harsh or critical ones — about lots of people. Judgmental types are not open-minded or easygoing.

It is so easy to be judgmental.  Most of the time, we don’t mean to be.

It’s easy make judgments about how people dress, talk and live their lives but unless we are them, we don’t or can’t understand why they do what they do.

Are runners judgmental?

Most are not but occasionally we may fall into that trap of making assumptions about other runners.

Here are few running behaviors you may be judgmental about:

  •  Inappropriate clothes or crazy costumes.

You know the ones in sweat pants, big cotton tees shirts or overly tight spandex or running bras.

But you don’t know the reason why they dress the way they do.  Maybe they can’t afford expensive outfits.  Or they just lost some weight and want to show off their new body. Who’s to judge?

I like to be matchy matchy with my running clothes. At my age, I like to dress conservatively (No running in short shorts or just a running bra for me.)

Sometimes in race, I see someone dressed as hot dog or some other crazy uncomfortable costume. But to each his own!

I am too competitive to run in any restrictive costume or outfit.

  • Not racing

Not everyone feels the need to enter a race.  It doesn’t mean that they are not serious runners.

Perhaps, they don’t want to spend the money on race entrance fees or maybe they don’t have the time due to working or parenting obligations.

I, personally, love to race and wouldn’t run if I didn’t race.  I plan my activities around my racing schedule.

  • Walking

Many runners walk.  They may be using the Galloway method of run/walking or they could be injured or recovering from an injury.

I walk because sometime I am just too tired to run and the hill is too steep.

  • Slower Pace

I may be fast to some runners.  But to a lot of other runners, I am slow.

Not everyone is gifted to be speedy.  Not all of us have to time to put into drills to try to get faster.

We all run at our OWN pace.  All our PRs are PERSONAL records and should not be judged.

  • Training Plans

Some runners have a coach.  Some buy their training plans. Some download free training plans.  Some make up their own training plans. And some runners have NO plan.

There are reasons for all of the above stemming from cost, convenience, preferences, experience, injury, etc.

I have found that no two runners who train for a half or full marathon follow the same plan.

For my first half, I sorta followed a plan that was posted on the race’s website.  18 half marathons later, I do my own thing.  I increase my long runs by 1 mile each week up to 12 miles and then taper to 8 or 10 the weekend before the race. It has worked so far.

  • Running Companions or Not

Many of us always run alone for whatever reason we like our solitude.

Others cannot get motivated to run unless they have company.  It may be a friend or a group or even their dog.

I enjoy both. But for the longer runs, a companion always makes the miles go by faster.

  • Running Gadgets/Toys

Fitness trackers, GPS watches, bluetooth headphones, foam rollers, sticks, resistance bands, KT tape, etc.

If you think you need them and can afford to buy them, by all means have them.

Some runners cannot afford them or don’t want to use them.

I have a FitBit (a recent purchase) and a Garmin watch but none of the rest.  I think I could even do without the watch (but not easily at this point. I’m too competitive.)  But I do enjoy running naked (sans technology).

  • Cross/Strength Training Activities

Some of us just run. Others do yoga, CrossFit, bike, swim or play tennis.

Sometimes it depends on your interest or what you enjoy.  It may depend on money or what facilities you have access to.

I don’t belong to a gym but have access to a free gym with machines.  There’s a treadmill where I work.

I don’t enjoy working out or swimming or biking. But that’s me.

I do enjoy playing tennis, walking and an occasional yoga class.

I think cross/strength training is great for runners.  I wish I could motivate myself to do some working out..

  • Social Networking

You share what you feel comfortable sharing.

Some runners post every single run and their pace.  Some runners post every race recap in detail.  Some post runfies.

For some, it’s a way of motivating themselves or motivating others.

Since most of my friends on FB and IG are not runners, I try to post only major events and lots of pretty scenery pics.  And I hate selfies (but that’s just me.)

I think I am easy going and open-minded.  I do try not to judge others.  I hope I have been successful.

I didn’t post any pics because no matter what I posted, it would mean “judging” in some way.

About judging myself…

Probably not as successful.

I look at my race pics and say to myself “wow, my thighs look huge!” or lament after I cross the finish line “I can’t believe how slow my time was…”

Happy Running! Do you find yourself judgmental? If so, about what?


17 thoughts on “Wednesday Word: Judgmental

  1. “At my age, I like to dress conservatively (no short shorts or running bras for me.)”

    That gave me a giggle — the no running bras, which I know isn’t what you meant. I can definitely goof up my writing as much as the next person, so I try not to be judgemental about that.

    I think it’s human to be judgemental to some degree. I just hope I am not as judgemental as my parents — I don’t think I am.


  2. I love this post!! I find society as a whole very judgmental, especially towards woman and mothers. I find myself looking at those who wear ‘minimum’ clothing and I am jealous they have the body and guts to wear something like that. I think sometimes, this jealousy turns into judgement. But it isn’t right. As a runner, I almost always hate talking about my pace because I am not a fast runner. Although I am very competitive, I run for the high and my sanity.


  3. Yeah, no running bras for me anymore–pregnancy and age has taken a toll on my mid section and NO ONE needs to see that!

    I’ve gotten judgy comments on my training regimens–both present and past. It’s interesting having to defend how I choose to train for my marathons! Even more interesting and fun is silencing those critics. There’s more than one way to cross a finish line.


    • I agree. You do what you have to do to get there. Everyone is different. I ran only 5ks and then a half with no shorter distances in between. Many people rolled their eyes.


  4. Some serious food for thought here – even though I’m a “back of the pack” runner, I still catch myself judging newbies, LOL. This post definitely gives me food for thought!


  5. I was really surprised by how non-judgmental the running community seems amongst its own. Granted, there seems to be judgment by non-runners against runners and vice versa, but for the most part, I haven’t run into too many bad apples. Which is a good thing – I wouldn’t be able to stick it out in a sport where everyone was getting down on everyone else.


  6. Yay – somebody else who doesn’t like selfies. I just don’t like them! I prefer to post pictures of what I see, not of me. I always enjoy the pictures of scenery that you post! I don’t think I would run if I didn’t race either. The races are the motivation. The reward. The carrot on a stick.


  7. So funny. Some of these things wouldn’t phase me at all, while others might have me being judgy. I have a friend who quit racing after Ragnar – she still likes to run but has no interest in racing. I haven’t used a training plan for years (but I make up my own schedule) but am thinking about trying one before the fall race season.


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